We’ve all heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” Well, when it comes to resumes, numbers speak louder than words. When you start changing your resume to be achievement-based rather than task-based, a great thing to focus on is quantifiable experience....
George Washington’s Vision For National Banking
It’s February and time to celebrate George Washington’s birthday, February 22, 1732. Washington, the 1st President of the United States, greatly contributed to foundation of the banking and finance industry. Washington said, “A people…who are possessed of the spirit...
Leadership: Making The Difference
“Leadership is a word on everyone’s lips. The young attack it and the old grow wistful of it. Parents have lost it and police seek it. Experts claim it and artists spurn it, while scholars want it. Philosophers reconcile it (as authority) with liberty and theologians...
Information Governance Insights: The Magic Black Box
We’ve talked a lot about Information Governance and the goal of increasing the productivity of employees, lower costs, increase operational opportunities, and cover downside risk by providing consistency, integrity, security and availability of information throughout...
How Government Can Utilize Niche Social Media
If you have been reading GovTalk the last few months, you should have some direction on how to use the three largest social media platforms to your entity’s advantage. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are the top tools to coordinate a social media campaign for any...
Paid Leave: A Women’s or Economic Issue?
For years paid leave has been viewed as a women’s issue or an inconsequential one. The truth is that paid leave has known economic and employer benefits. So why is it that the United States is the only industrialized nation that does not offer it? What is the path...
A Journey to End the Journey
In my previous article I described how I often use the analogy of a mountain to help me tackle the challenges of life. But in 2007 I actually moved the mountain from analogy to reality. By then any remaining doubts that my recovery was not both incredible and...
Want a new job? Don’t make these 2 mistakes!
Want a sparkly new job this year? Wouldn’t that feel great to wake up loving work? If only job searching wasn’t the least fun thing known to man. There are a few things you can do to make your job search easier, starting with NOT doing the following: 1) Don’t just...
Of Leaders and Teams
In the first of this two-part series, we used illustrations of bridges as we looked at the power of external forces and the active perspective leaders employ to swiftly assess, understand and respond to challenges facing their organizations. We’ve already seen that...