For over a year we've worked together to create a Information Governance program for your organization and its a beauty! We've created a place for everything and everything is in it's place, right? Well, not necessarily. There's still this hidden undercurrent of...
Use a Decision Tree in Your Quest for Answers!
Do I know how to ask questions? What seems like a rhetorical question at best and an absurd question at worse, I am thinking the answer may be a soft no. I would like to think I know the grammatical and punctuation rules accompanying written questions, but some may...
How to Network (Like a Human Being)
Ah, networking. It took only one semester as a business major for me to loathe the term. Esteemed online reference Urban Dictionary offers several definitions for networking, including the blunt, yet oddly on point, headliner: “yuppie euphemism for kissing [ahem,...
Use Your “VOICE” to Advance Your Career
The words you speak have power because it represent your mindset. If you speak negatively, then your mind is only focus on the negativity, which leads to negative behavior. For example, if you tell others that you don’t qualify for a job, then your mind is focused on...
It’s National Foster Care Month!
The month of May is a month for celebrating new beginnings. Weather patterns are turning, and summer is just around the corner. In the spirit of providing new beginnings for many children who need them, May also happens to be National Foster Care Month. National...
Municipal IT Director: 6 Must Have Qualities
There’s nothing worse than that gut wrenching feeling of buyer’s remorse. You have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of your expensive, shiny new gadget and have high expectations. You open the box and find that it is beautifully wrapped. You unpack it, plug it in,...
Your Government Career: How to Get Ahead
In today’s busy world where your career can swallow up your time and your very life it is increasingly important to focus on the “Vital Few” and Ignore or Delegate the “Trivial Many”—a model for leadership that’s based on the Pareto Principle. The Pareto Principle is...
The Crime of the Century: Stealing Responsibility
A troubling trend evolving in far too many segments of society demonstrates the growing absence of personal accountability in the many settings we know. Ranging from personal health and wellness choices we make, managing the alcohol we drink and the social...
Are You Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search? You Should Be….
In today’s competitive job search market, it is crucial that you are networking and conducting your search using multiple venues. If you’re just checking online job posts, or skimming over the classifieds in your local paper-then you’re missing out. Using social media...