Information Governance Insights: Trust But Verify

Information Governance Insights: Trust But Verify

Well, time marches on and your Information Governance program is humming along like the well-oiled machine that it is! You know this because things are getting filed, requests come in, orders go out and everyone's questions have slowed to a bare trickle. A testament...

The Right Bosses Inspire. The Wrong Bosses Depress.

The Right Bosses Inspire. The Wrong Bosses Depress.

Want a great team culture, where leaders and staff exceed performance expectations while living your organization's desired values?   Put the right bosses in place. Then observe, coach, and praise their aligned efforts to make certain they continue to be the right...

Communication in Our Changing Political Landscape

Communication in Our Changing Political Landscape

If you have not paid attention recently, there have been presidential primary elections and caucuses held across the country with more to come.  About half of the states have voted for one or both major parties at the time of this writing.  This election cycle,...

Changing Careers? 5 Reasons to Create Headspace

Changing Careers? 5 Reasons to Create Headspace

Creating headspace when changing jobs and careers is a healthy practice and a rewarding investment of your time. Why is this so, what does it look like and how do you do it? Making the transition from one job or career to another can be tough emotionally. The speed...

No Man Rides Alone

No Man Rides Alone

As a U.S. Army veteran and retired Captain from the Roseville, California Police Department I have seen and experienced the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS).  I spent 30 years in my law enforcement career, and during that time saw many officers suffer from the...

The History of Public Health Care and Lillian Wald

The History of Public Health Care and Lillian Wald

March 10 celebrates the birth of an extraordinary woman: Lillian Wald.  Wald was born into a middle-class New York family in 1867 and became a nurse at the age of 24.  After taking medical courses, Wald’s journey to health care reformer began. While working in...

Put Your Priorities in the Right Order

Put Your Priorities in the Right Order

People often ask me how my attitude to life has changed on both sides of my cancer ordeal. Sometimes, rather than embark on a detailed explanation, I just tell the following story. U2 embarked on a World tour in 2005 with 3 big dates in their home city, Dublin. I had...

Is Your Cover Letter Sabotaging Your Job Search?

Is Your Cover Letter Sabotaging Your Job Search?

By Marcia Powers Contributor, Career Services A cover letter, when done right, can help set you apart from your competition and solidify your chances of getting the interview. However, using a poorly written cover letter (or no cover letter at all) can sabotage your...

Push Beyond the Comfort Zone

Push Beyond the Comfort Zone

Part of leading yourself is learning when to challenge yourself at strategic moments in your professional life. When I look back at my career, several big professional growth spurts were directly attributable to when I pushed my comfort zone. These were times in which...


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