Submitting a Federal Resume: 3 Questions to Ask

Submitting a Federal Resume: 3 Questions to Ask

By Marcia Powers Contributor, Career Coach Federal jobs can attract hundreds of qualified applicants all vying for the same opportunity. Although it’s easy to get lost in the sea of numbers, a tip-top resume can help you stay afloat in the competition. Before applying...

Your Career: How to Spark a Burning Platform

Your Career: How to Spark a Burning Platform

Have you been in the same job, role, organization or career for a long time? The chances of that occurring in the future are diminishing by the year. You are likely to move jobs and careers more regularly and work under different forms of employment. The real-life...

Understanding What Makes People Tick

Understanding What Makes People Tick

I began my professional career in mental health before working in state government, public relations, and now government relations. Imagine how helpful it would be to a career in any of those fields if you were able to understand patterns of behavior, to recognize...

Is Your Workforce Engaged?

Is Your Workforce Engaged?

According to a recent Gallup study, a mere 30 percent of the workforce is engaged. So if 30 percent of your employees are engaged, 70 percent are disengaged. Additional research by Gallup reveals that engaged workers are the most innovative. As if motivating employees...

3 Strategies to Build Relationships through LinkedIn

3 Strategies to Build Relationships through LinkedIn

If you’re reading this blog post, you most likely are already aware of what LinkedIn is, what are its benefits, and even more importantly, how to use it. You’re a career minded professional reading Gov-Talk for Pete’s sake! As a LinkedIn user, you may be tired of the...

Information Governance Insights: Preparation Leads to Success

Information Governance Insights: Preparation Leads to Success

Last month we discussed finding a vendor and selecting software for an electronic document management system. So what do you do while the procurement people fight over the contract and you're waiting to get on the schedule to install this magic box that will solve all...

Social Media Baggage and Your First Big Opportunity

Social Media Baggage and Your First Big Opportunity

The past few years have been terrible for Millennials. They’ve faced limited job prospects and mountains of debt. Even when unemployment hit a low of 5.4 percent in May 2015, they still couldn’t find any luck. But that grim picture is changing. Unemployment hit a new...

Suspending Assumptions in Communications

Suspending Assumptions in Communications

While walking on the beaches of Oceanside, California a couple of weeks ago, my family and I ventured onto the pier to take in the sights and sounds along that boardwalk. As we did, we came upon a family as it prepared to take a picture.  A familiar scene, the father...

Start a Government Employee Volunteer Program!

Start a Government Employee Volunteer Program!

Do you have multiple employees within your municipal organization who give back to your community through volunteering with nonprofits?  If so, April is their month, and if you don’t have an employee volunteer program (EVP), it’s the perfect time to do it. National...


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