And there are some players that, while not outright cheating, are self-serving, making it about themselves winning and others losing. Finding that area where they can cut corners, deliver a little less than expected and get away with it, or deceive the customer by...
A Personal Interview
I attended a job interview recently. It was my first one for a long time. And it was for a good job. But I am 54 these days, I wear an eyepatch and having been self-employed in a small town for almost 20 years, I believed the odds were well against me. There would...
Preparing for Federal Job Seeking Has Never Been Easier
If you have decided the first or next step in your career should be getting a job in a governmental agency, there are a few things you need to make yourself ready for. The entire job hunting process is different than with private companies and simply navigating the...
What is Art?
In the movie, Mona Lisa Smile, Julia Roberts plays Katherine Ann Watson, a new faculty member at Wellesley College, teaching a course on the ‘History of Art’. Sensing a significant energy and tension among the students, Watson arrives one day to present a specific...
4 Ways to Prepare for the Workforce Outside a Degree
Local governments will soon need to replace more than one-third of their employees as Baby Boomers begin to retire en masse over the next decade. Fortunately, as challenging as it might be to gain entry, interest in landing one these jobs after graduation remains as...
Energizing Leadership Acceleration
To speed up in a frenzied world, one must first stop and rethink. But if you are a CEO or business leader seeking fresh insight on how to fundamentally change your organization’s leadership equation, the quest can be exhausting. Two things are true about the current...
We Are Government. We Are Different!
I had just finished a leadership seminar with a group of government supervisors and managers. It was a great session with good interaction. I was reviewing the 20 Feedback Sheets and there it was. Among the 8’s, 9’s and 10’s, there was a SIX! What do they mean? How...
Every Good Leader Should Practice These Tips
Research conducted by Jago in 1982 identified that good leaders are made and not born. A person who has the desire and willpower to become a leader can easily become one because Good leadership can be developed through an infinite process of training, self-study,...
Preparing for the Coming Millennial Workforce
The profile of employees are fundamentally changing with assimilation of a new generation into the workforce. Millennials refer to the generation born between 1982 and 1994. They will constitute up to 50 percent of the U.S. workforce by 2020 and 75 percent of the...