Creating Effective Gender Diversity Action Plans

Creating Effective Gender Diversity Action Plans

Gender diversity is an important and admirable objective. However, it is not just a women’s issue or one that requires consideration, debates, and discussion. Setting goals is also commendable but how do we achieve them? Gender diversity is a complex societal and...

Fire Your Annual Performance Review

Fire Your Annual Performance Review

The Ultimate Manager My English Shepherd, Birdie is the ultimate manager. Now that lawn and garden season has finally arrived, he is always barking at the crack of dawn. “Up and Adam! Time to get working in the garden. Hop to it!” As soon as we are hard at work,...

Reforming the Future of Education

Reforming the Future of Education

Back in 2010, the Obama Administration compiled and published a broad-based collection of education initiatives.  Many of these initiatives received substantive media fanfare while other parts of the education reform process were simply put in motion. More...

Calling Skilled Tradeswomen: Uncle Sam Wants You

Calling Skilled Tradeswomen: Uncle Sam Wants You

Since World War II, the U.S. government has recognized women’s knack for the skilled trades. As Uncle Sam pointed men, and some women, to the battlefields, Rosie the Riveter steered women to the munitions factories. Today, women are again encouraged to enter the...

The New Torches and Pitchforks

The New Torches and Pitchforks

We've all heard that actions speak louder than words but I don't think that is an axiom we can decry with a certainty any longer; in part, as a result of the power of the social media sound bites. The tag line or sound bite from an incident is often more powerful and...

National Safety Month: Stay Safe Out There!

National Safety Month: Stay Safe Out There!

How many businesses and agencies have you visited where the “Days Without Injury” sign reads in the single digits? What about the sign at your organization? This is one instance where the greater the number, the greater the success at workplace safety, and June is the...

You Say Potato, I Say…Leadership

You Say Potato, I Say…Leadership

A few months ago, several members of my family attended our local theater to see, The Martian.  While we were thoroughly entertained by the variety of dilemmas, science, humor and suspense, there was a subtle nudge I took from the film that I used for a new way to...

Use Your Voice to Advance Your Career (Pt. 2): The Where and What

Use Your Voice to Advance Your Career (Pt. 2): The Where and What

In a prior post - Use Your Voice to Advance Your Career, I discussed how powerful your voice can be to advance your career. I discussed how to use your voice by planting a seed and asking for help. Now, I will detail the how by discussing what to ask and where to seek...

The Cycle of Life

The Cycle of Life

I hugged my eldest son, Christy, two weeks ago, probably for the first time. He was about to disappear through the departure gates to board a flight to Dubai and begin a new chapter of his life with Emirate Airlines. Grown men don’t often embrace but we both knew this...


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