My Perspective on the Fundamentals of Non-Discrimination Policies

My Perspective on the Fundamentals of Non-Discrimination Policies

I recently gave an interview about the need for non-discrimination policies in the workplace. The questions reminded me of why we need to protect our workers in both the public and private sectors. The biggest remaining question is, however, what can we strive for?...

Workplace Etiquette and Manners

Workplace Etiquette and Manners

From the little I have been able to piece together, workplace etiquette and manners are held as a priori - especially when it comes to analyzing situations with our stereotypical glasses. There is an assumption in our education and to a greater extent our public lives...

Advice to Advance Your Career in Government

Advice to Advance Your Career in Government

This is the first article of a five-part series on how to maximize your career in government.  Whether you are looking for a promotion or a new job assignment the five insights I will share will provide you with a competitive edge.  So many government employees see no...

Information Governance Insights: Ch-ch-ch-Changes!

Information Governance Insights: Ch-ch-ch-Changes!

We've talked a lot about the mechanics of implementing an Information Governance program in your organization. When you are implementing a new program, regardless of what it is, your bigger challenge is getting everyone to go along with it. Ever heard "We've being...

LIFE – A Simple Complexity

LIFE – A Simple Complexity

I am quite enjoying being in my fifties. The stage of your life when all of the elements, if not quite come together, get as close are they are probably going to. It is the brow of the hill of life. You are old enough to look back and be reflective and wise, but still...

5 Ways to Encourage Your Team Toward Success

5 Ways to Encourage Your Team Toward Success

Twenty-eight eyes looked at me skeptically. They were convinced the task I had outlined for their strategy session was beyond their reach. “Just too hard,” they explained. “I’m not that creative,” insisted another. My own confidence crumbled a bit. The exercise had...

New Opportunities and Challenges with the Gig Economy

New Opportunities and Challenges with the Gig Economy

The job landscape is quickly changing. Jobs that were once readily available and steady sources of income to millions of people are changing or disappearing. It’s a topic that has come up a lot in this year’s political campaigns. But not all is despair. With any...

Accountability in the Public Sector

Accountability in the Public Sector

When we were young, my sisters and I would roll our eyes as we were forced to hear my father recite one of his favorite aphorisms: accidents don’t just happen; they are caused. These lectures were generally preceded by incidents we described as accidents. As a man of...

The Price and Cost of Free Speech

The Price and Cost of Free Speech

Once upon a time, colleges and universities  were  the place to explore and express new ideas, and to have vigorous debate and discourse, often about highly polarizing issues that included abortion, war, civil rights, and religion.  There was intensity and passion,...


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