Unleash the Lion Within – The King of Concrete Jungle

Father of early modern medicines, IBN SINA was a Persian Polymath. He was regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinker, and writer of his time.
Once, IBN SINA thought to conduct an experiment. He asked his men to bring 3 cages of same size. Then he asked them to bring him 2 identical Lambs and a Wolf. All must be alive. His men arranged everything as per the instruction of SINA. Now, he placed the wolf in one of the side cages. The lambs one in each cage. The cages are placed in a way that only one lamb can see the wolf. Other lamb can not see the wolf but other lamb. SINA observed them every day. After a few months, the lamb that could see the wolf started losing his health, he had loss of appetite, displayed anxiety and restlessness, He started making noise and fell unwell and eventually, he died. His Stress, Fear, Anxiety lead him to death even though the wolf had not done anything to him. On other hand, the lamb that could not see the wolf, was healthier indeed.
IBN SINA, observed positive and negative effects of mental influence and environment on health and body of living beings.
Does this ring the bell of knowing someone like that lamb living in fear in-spite of the wolf not doing any harm to him, and killing himself? Is the known person, a part of your being? How are you keeping with your mental health during these pandemic crisis times of dealing and living with Corona Virus? Are You STRESSED? Is Fear empowering your thinking and actions? What is ANXIETY DOING TO YOU?
Now Let’s have a JUNGLE SAFARI…
In the Jungle,
Which animal is the biggest? It is an Elephant
Which animal is the tallest? It is Giraffe
Which animal is the wisest? It is Fox
Which animal is the Fastest? It is Cheetah
Amongst all the qualities mentioned above, where is the LION in the picture?
The lion DARES Anything and NEVER AFRAID
The lion knows EVERY OPPORTUNITY is worth giving a try and never let it slip from his hand
You don’t need to be the Fastest
You don’t need to be the Wisest
You don’t need to be the Smartest
You don’t need to be the Most Brilliant
It is time to bring out the LION in YOU.
The world of work is being profoundly affected by the global virus pandemic. In addition to the threat to public health, the economic and social disruption threatens the long-term livelihoods and wellbeing of millions. Governments, employees, workers, and employers – will play a crucial role in combating the outbreak, ensuring the safety of individuals, and the sustainability of businesses and jobs.
While there currently is a significant focus on the public health and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the workforce and societal implications are no less profound. However, it is an employee at his / her individual level must rise and emerge with preparedness, recovery, peace, and resilience to be an asset to his organization and his economy.

It is an employee at his / her individual level must rise and emerge with preparedness, recovery, peace and resilience to be an asset to his organization and his economy.
5 key role and responsibility of an employee during this health crisis
Look at this crisis as a defining Leadership Moment
Be true to the purpose, values, principles, and culture of your organization. Display effectiveness as a leader by being transparent, empathetic and create environment of trust. Your behaviour will enable others have calmness, supportiveness and energize the environment around you. In return everybody begins to feel vested in a common mission and purpose and embrace new ways of working.
Adopt an agile and continuous learning mindset
It is said “Learning is Earning”. The world lived a complete lockdown due to Corona Virus. Now there is a new beginning with new way of living, enabling, and executing things at personal as well as professional life. The new expectation in Business is to become more flexible and accepting the change, create a mindset of curiosity and ready to learn new things to ensure your responses are re-calibrated to the circumstances at hand. The unknown waters of this emergency demand dexterity, advancement, agility, and innovation and adjusting to quickly changing systems, regulations, and new way of working. Ask for help if required, approach your Human Resource Department or Manager for additional training, advice and material support you require to develop new skills and upbeat your performance. The faster you learn, and the more you flex, shall display greater results in business performance.
Develop a Decision-Making Capability
Whether you are single contributor, manage a small team or are at the head of a large corporation, your success and the success of your company depend on the decisions you make. Develop the skills to be Patient, stay Calm and Listen well. Understand others perspective with unbiased approach, engage all stakeholders like your peers, subordinates, customers, suppliers, unions, healthcare providers (if any) in decision making. Be highly flexible, keep your pulse on the shifting needs and priorities of all and the evolving state of competitive and innovative practices.
Become Mindful of balancing wellbeing of others and the company
Post Lockdown, every organization is experiencing major financial and revenue pressure. The cost pressure of the current revenue-challenged environment triggers a tremendous high level of stress on leaders to meet the needs of their shareholders in such a time when the wellbeing of employees, particularly the most vulnerable, is being seriously threatened. Become more mindful of balancing the both by aligning the goals of organization with the employee’s current needs and create a win-win future for both.
Create the Energy Equation
The law of attraction states that “Like attracts Like.” This means that we attract all that we think, feel, and believe. We create our environment and influence others with our way of being. So, begin to focus on your thoughts and beliefs and monitor your energy levels at regular intervals. Stay motivated and positive to attract same from others and in return you are contributing to create a high energy equation at your workplace. Be a catalyst to transform negative into positive.
The world of work is being profoundly affected by the global virus pandemic. In addition to the threat to public health, the economic and social disruption threatens the long-term livelihoods and wellbeing of millions. Everything that has a beginning, comes with an end, nothing is permanent. However, we all have a LION within us, and when we re-ignite it with it’s qualities and a new me shall be born who is confident, positive, unstoppable, successful leaders LION – the King of CONCRETE JUNGLE, professional world.