Be Seen To Be Found: Job Hunting in 2014 and Beyond

Be Seen To Be Found: Job Hunting in 2014 and Beyond

Getting a job these days is about so much more than your resume. That's not to say the resume is dead or not viable anymore, but it's one of many tools in your job-seeking arsenal than your only tool. Employers, and recruiters specifically, are using a variety of...

Your Ten Seconds of Resume Fame

Your Ten Seconds of Resume Fame

At some point in your job search you may have wondered why so many career experts spend lots of time talking about how to write the perfect resume, when you may have also heard that recruiters spend very little time reviewing it. The Absolute truth is that your resume...

A Day in the Life of a City Clerk

A Day in the Life of a City Clerk

A city clerk is one of the oldest public service positions, dating back to Ancient Greece. In the United States, the office of city clerk was one of the first to be established when early colonists set up local governments. Today, a city clerk is an elected or...

Skills for Government Managers of the Future

Skills for Government Managers of the Future

Leadership in government organizations is changing into something quite different than it was as recently as 10 years ago. The International City/County Managers Association (ICMA) is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2014, and our members have been marking the...

Executive Resume Writing Tips

Executive Resume Writing Tips

A senior executive’s professional resume has one job, and that is to portray your value and significance that you can bring to the business. At the executive level it is expected that you have all the soft skills required to lead and manage teams, however the key is...

Attitude is Everything in the Public Sector

Attitude is Everything in the Public Sector

I was training a group of public agency managers the other day and asked them the question, “provided you had the option for a pool of prospective employees, all with baseline qualifying skills, and could choose between one with extraordinary skills and knowledge or...

A Sentence That Can Change Your Life?

A Sentence That Can Change Your Life?

Have you ever been in an elevator and had someone say “tell me about you”? Me neither!  However, the fact remains that you need an elevator pitch before you realize it and step into the proverbial elevator. The thing is, when the need arises, it’s too late. You of...

3 Factors That Can Lead You to a Career You LOVE

3 Factors That Can Lead You to a Career You LOVE

How often have you taken the time to think about what really interests you at work, what has perhaps shaped the career choices you have made so far?  Think about those times when you get really absorbed in something, the time flies by doesn’t it? Why is this...

The Best Behavioural Questions To Help You Nail Your Next Interview

The Best Behavioural Questions To Help You Nail Your Next Interview

Before I list the interview questions, I need to tell you how to spot a behavioural interview question. How to determine if a job interview question is a behavioural question? Behavioural interview questions typically start with “tell me about a time,” “tell me about...


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