Onboarding the New Employee

Onboarding the New Employee

Based on my experience, some of today’s employees need a more hands-on approach to work ethic expectations. The best time to do that is when he or she starts with your entity. However, like many of you, I struggle with not only the “what,” but also the “how” of that...

Create ONE Team

Create ONE Team

What makes employees productive and engaged at work? A safe, inspiring work environment that consistently treats them with trust, respect, and dignity. The problem is that leaders typically put more time and energy into their team or department’s products and services...

Digital Resume: 5 Steps to Create Your Future

Digital Resume: 5 Steps to Create Your Future

LinkedIn used to be the way to post your resume online, but now it has become passé. Almost everyone has a profile there, so you’re just another face in the crowd. If you really want to stand out, you need to create your digital resume from scratch, which means...

Leaders: Do They Sabotage the Accountability of Their People?

Leaders: Do They Sabotage the Accountability of Their People?

There has been a lot written and spoken lately about accountability. However, there is a question that is not often addressed: “Do leaders actually sabotage the accountability of their people?” Effective leadership requires both talk and walk. Some leaders don’t...

4 Essentials For Any Interview

4 Essentials For Any Interview

Scenario #1: The person you were originally scheduled to meet with is stuck in traffic, and now you’re meeting with one of the managers on her team—and he doesn’t have a copy of your resume. Scenario #2: The hiring manager unexpectedly asks 3 members of his team to...

How You Present “YOU”

How You Present “YOU”

I am constantly asked this question; “Chief, How do I present myself?” Well, this is a loaded question. In response I ask, where, when and for what purpose? What follows is… “for the oral interview of course!” The reason this is a loaded question is because there are...

From Hate To Love: Your 3 Steps To Freedom

From Hate To Love: Your 3 Steps To Freedom

I hated those moments. Every time one of my team members passed me a ball my heart started to pound, my legs got weak and movements became awkward. Every single time I had the same feeling: a mixture of fear and confusion. In those moments the  only question occupying...

The Day My Wife Met My Girlfriend

The Day My Wife Met My Girlfriend

Oh boy I bet this one caught your eye! Sorry to bait and switch you but this is about the job, or what I refer to as the mistress.  I say this because, as with many of you, the job seems to get the better parts of me sometimes.  It calls in the middle of the night to...

Government Job Search on Twitter

Government Job Search on Twitter

When people find out that I landed my government job on Twitter, they are usually shocked. Aren't government jobs only searchable on horribly confusing government job websites? Don't you usually have to go through a lot of bureaucracy before starting the job? That is...


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