Know Your Career Path, Know Yourself

Know Your Career Path, Know Yourself

Exploring potential careers is often a task laden with both anxiety and uncertainty. Let's face it, when you're not quite sure what it is that you want to do, you might feel the pressure to just "pick something." When developing career goals, most people make...

Interview Experiences: Embrace Them All

Interview Experiences: Embrace Them All

A few months ago, I interviewed for a position with a local city I was more excited about than I would like to admit. While I knew I did not have the education and experience needed to be a fully qualified candidate, I thought I still had a chance given I knew every...

Culture Change: Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Culture Change: Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Today more than ever, customers - taxpayers - expect more from their municipal, county, state, and federal government service providers. They expect accurate information and quality services delivered by staff members who enjoy serving their customers. Old systems and...

Body Language Mistakes in a Job Interview

Body Language Mistakes in a Job Interview

Knowingly or unknowingly, due to excitement or nervousness, a job applicant tends to overlook certain habits that can turn up to be a major factor in job selection or rejection. Body language plays a crucial role in important situations like a job interview. Just...

Performance Issues in the Workplace

Performance Issues in the Workplace

Joe had always been a strong performer, but in his new role he really seemed to be slacking off. His boss, Hannah has tried to coach him, but he’s not improving. It’s not helping that he gets so defensive. She’s starting to think she made the wrong selection. It’s...

Avoid 3 Mistakes for Career Success in 2015

Avoid 3 Mistakes for Career Success in 2015

It’s the end of the year again (already!) and a great time to start planning. What would YOU like your career to look like next year? Is it time for you to make a career move? Are you bored in your job? Are you making a difference where you want to be? Are you excited...

Job Search Strategies Are as Unique as Fingerprints

Job Search Strategies Are as Unique as Fingerprints

Job search techniques are as unique as a fingerprint. Every aspect of preparing oneself for the job market is customized towards strengths while minimizing opportunities. Many people wrack their heads making their job search more complicated than climbing Mt. Everest....

Management Secret #1: There Are No Secrets

Management Secret #1: There Are No Secrets

Don’t read posts that have either numbers or the word “secrets” in the title! The internet has been filled with management advice for many years. Recently a new formula for management and leadership posts has been emerging: 1) The problem is stated, often through a...

You Say You Wanna Resolution…

You Say You Wanna Resolution…

As we all know, the arrival of the holidays typically prepares many of us for the equally reliable arrival of our desire to set a new goal for the coming year.  And while most goals are developed and set in place for us to pursue with timelines and timeframes borne...


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