Deciding to change career is a significant rite of passage. The process can be time-consuming, confusing, scary, frustrating, liberating, energizing and life changing. How do you go about it? What mindset helps? One approach is the planned and systematic route. The...
Your Guide to Cubicle Etiquette
Working in the cubicle farm of an office means that you are going to have to spend 40 hours a week (or more!) in close proximity with the same group of people, all of whom come from different backgrounds and who have different belief systems. By their very nature,...
Negotiation Techniques that Actually Work
Most of us have heard the tried-and-true advice for salary negotiation. Give a range, not a number. Do your research first. While this is solid advice, it doesn’t always work. Negotiation can be difficult or intimidating for many people. If you’re on the lookout for...
Passion Need Not Apply
When providing an informational interview for a young professional recently I repeatedly heard her describe her “passion” to do this and her “passion” for that. What I did not hear, though, were any specific ways in which she could be useful to an organization. Any...
Start Your Career in IT: Is The “What” More Important Than The “Who”?
Last month we looked at how to go about gaining experience in the information technology field as part two of the mini-series titled, Start your Career in IT. Welcome back and thank you for continuing along in this series with part three. Part 3: So Who You Know, Not...
Red Flags at your Resume Critique
When you use the services of a career counselor, one of the first steps in your career plan will be developing your resume. Career counselors and resume writers can be found at your local American Job Centers, private companies, or outplacement agencies. Like any...
7 Things an Employer Must See in Your Resume
Yet another application submitted – and yet another rejection, followed by more disappointment. And not because of typos or resume formatting issues; not due to a lack of experience or education – but because the resume simply did not stand out from the hundred others...
Be More Than The Office Mom
Every year on the second Sunday in May we honor a very important group of people: mothers. Of course there are the traditional mothers and then there are the not so traditional mothers-those who did not personally give birth or adopt a child but still raises and cares...
The 5 Worst Career Tips
Here’s the thing about advice – whether you’re talking about business ventures or personal relationships – it’s completely malleable to the situation you’re in. So while I’m writing about the following 5 pieces of advice as “bad,” that doesn’t mean that there aren’t...