As a manager, have you ever felt squashed between all the work rolling down hill and the pressure of supporting your already overwhelmed team? Or perhaps you’re frustrated with a team that doesn’t seem to “get it” and isn’t working at full capacity? During times of...
What to do about listing salary requirements?
Some job advertisements ask you to include your desired salary, and if they ask for this, it usually means that you can’t avoid doing so. Listing salary requirements is always tricky because it’s hard to “guess” what the employer will think about your preference....
10 Reasons to Walk out of an Interview
Walking out of a job interview may seem unorthodox or even career sabotage, however there are numerous reasons when ending a phone screen or getting up and leaving in the middle of an interview is not only appropriate, but recommended. Since 2008, we’ve been careering...
The Importance of a Handshake
What’s in a handshake? Quite a lot, apparently. Most of us have probably been told that you want a firm or strong handshake, but is that always true? Are there different kinds of handshakes that you can use to convey different things? What can a handshake make other...
Make Your Employees Happy (Without Giving Raises)
Millennials are changing the way workplaces approach company culture. As the first generation to grow up with the Internet, Millennials’ mobile lifestyles don’t understand the daily 9-to-5 grind. This year Millennials account for the highest percentage of the...
Playground Power
Very recently, I lead my four children (ages 9-14) on a brief excursion to the local park. Just two blocks from our home, the park is one of the classic-styles we all know well: Some eight to ten acres of open space that is adorned with trees, picnic tables, and a...
How Conflict Stunts Company Innovation
I was in a meeting earlier this week where there was an invited speaker discussing a controversial topic. Several of the meeting participants disagreed with his point of view. Not a problem. In fact, dissent is shown to increase divergent thinking and creative...
Attend a Conference in Your Professional Industry
By Cathy Francois, career coach at American Public University This year I had the opportunity to attend several conferences in my field. I was excited about traveling to cities I never been to, meeting new people, and gaining new industry knowledge. As a career coach,...
What’s Your Career Plan?
By Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth, Program Director, Government Contracts and Acquisition at American Public University Your career in government can seem easy when you land that GS-5 or GS-7 job right out of college or that GS-12 position after you hang up that military...