For years paid leave has been viewed as a women’s issue or an inconsequential one. The truth is that paid leave has known economic and employer benefits. So why is it that the United States is the only industrialized nation that does not offer it? What is the path...
Want a new job? Don’t make these 2 mistakes!
Want a sparkly new job this year? Wouldn’t that feel great to wake up loving work? If only job searching wasn’t the least fun thing known to man. There are a few things you can do to make your job search easier, starting with NOT doing the following: 1) Don’t just...
How to Get Your Career in Gear!
When’s the last time you stepped back and really took inventory of your career? Do you have a solid plan? How will you ensure this year is better than 2015? Are you waiting for your manager or mentor to help? Don’t miss the opportunity to make 2016 remarkable. Here...
The Promise of Leadership
By Bob Anderson and Bill Adams When we step into positions of leadership, we make a whole set of promises we may not know we are making. These promises are profound and come in the form of high, often unspoken expectations. Understanding, managing, and living up to...
Interview Tips for a Career in Public Utilities
As I’ve said many times before, preparation is the key to a good job interview. Each industry is a little bit different and if you’re looking for a job with a public utility you need to know the types of questions that are likely to be asked in the interview: Why are...
Comfortable in Your Career? 4 Things You Need to Do Now!
You may be comfortable in your career because your job is all you know and you are afraid to leave or you are happy with what you are doing and is not actively looking for the next opportunity. Either way, being comfortable while it is a good feeling can be a curse...
How To Use Serendipity For Your Career
What if you adopted the mindset of serendipity? 2016 is a Leap Year and practicing the skills may just help you learn to leap in your job and career quest. Serendipity is much more than taking a ‘lucky dip’ or something that happens to you. The word first appeared in...
Being Fashionably Late in the Workplace
By Jacquelyn Brookins Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist Contrary to the title of this blog, I will not be providing reasons why showing up late to a meeting is acceptable in any way. Rather, I want to make it clear that there is no such thing as being fashionably...
Finding Passion in Your Government Career
Working for the government has its benefits: Stable work, decent healthcare, and most importantly - interesting missions. But…what if you hate it? Or, you are bored and want a change, but don’t want to end up feeling the same way that you do now. ARGGHHHHH. The agony....