Creating headspace when changing jobs and careers is a healthy practice and a rewarding investment of your time. Why is this so, what does it look like and how do you do it? Making the transition from one job or career to another can be tough emotionally. The speed...
The History of Public Health Care and Lillian Wald
March 10 celebrates the birth of an extraordinary woman: Lillian Wald. Wald was born into a middle-class New York family in 1867 and became a nurse at the age of 24. After taking medical courses, Wald’s journey to health care reformer began. While working in...
Is Your Cover Letter Sabotaging Your Job Search?
By Marcia Powers Contributor, Career Services A cover letter, when done right, can help set you apart from your competition and solidify your chances of getting the interview. However, using a poorly written cover letter (or no cover letter at all) can sabotage your...
8 Ways You Can Gain Respect in the Office
Gaining respect from your colleagues is a difficult task but losing respect takes very little effort. This article will mention some of the ways through which it will be easy for you to gain respect and become a person that everyone looks forward to being with. If you...
Interview Tips for a Public Utilities Career: Part 2
This is a continuation of our earlier article “Interview Tips for a Career in Public Utilities”. Types of Behavioral Questions You’ll Be Asked When Interviewing For A Job at a Public Utility In most cases, you will have a team of interviewers questioning you. The...
Your Work Ethic: Can You Go to 11?
For those who have seen the 1984 mockumentary, This is Spinal Tap, the phrase “up to eleven” takes you back to one of the most humorous moments of the film. In this scene, the band’s leading musician proudly shows off their amp to the documentary director. According...
Don’t Just Manage Results: Manage Heads, Hearts & Hands
If you see your job as managing processes and results, you’re doing half of the effective leader’s job. The other half? Managing people’s energy - and inspiring them bringing their heads (knowledge), hearts (authentic care), and hands (skills) to their work. Most...
Resume Advice: Numbers Speak Louder Than Words
We’ve all heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” Well, when it comes to resumes, numbers speak louder than words. When you start changing your resume to be achievement-based rather than task-based, a great thing to focus on is quantifiable experience....
Leadership: Making The Difference
“Leadership is a word on everyone’s lips. The young attack it and the old grow wistful of it. Parents have lost it and police seek it. Experts claim it and artists spurn it, while scholars want it. Philosophers reconcile it (as authority) with liberty and theologians...