Turning Boredom into Innovation

Turning Boredom into Innovation

It’s that time of year when we tend to get the winter blahs. The holidays are over, we’ve lost steam on our New Year’s resolutions, and spring is not yet on the horizon. Blah, blah, blah. How do we turn our dissatisfaction with the doldrums into creative new ideas?...

Internships in Local Government: My Personal Journey

Internships in Local Government: My Personal Journey

Many universities require seniors to complete an internship in order to learn more about their proposed career. My major, criminal justice, required one and I was told this would give me experience to put on my resume and make me more attractive to employers. I...

Self Promotion Is Not Just About You

Self Promotion Is Not Just About You

People are too busy today to go out of their way to find, recognize, and reward you in the workplace. The good news is that you can create the visibility and credibility you need to move your career forward. You can control how others perceive you in the work...

Waiting by the Mailbox

Waiting by the Mailbox

In our careers and in our lives, there are moments of key importance when news finally arrives that we have expected impatiently for a long time. The wait by the mailbox seems interminable. The HR Doctor remembers as though it were yesterday running to the mailbox...

Why Giving Notice Matters

Why Giving Notice Matters

Welcome to 2015, and another year of unlimited possibilities and opportunities. Among these opportunities, for many people, landing a new job is by far one of the most exhilarating feelings one can experience. With this new job so many possibilities are abound: a...

Culture Change: Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Culture Change: Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Today more than ever, customers - taxpayers - expect more from their municipal, county, state, and federal government service providers. They expect accurate information and quality services delivered by staff members who enjoy serving their customers. Old systems and...

Management Secret #1: There Are No Secrets

Management Secret #1: There Are No Secrets

Don’t read posts that have either numbers or the word “secrets” in the title! The internet has been filled with management advice for many years. Recently a new formula for management and leadership posts has been emerging: 1) The problem is stated, often through a...

Are You Likable Enough to Have a Fulfilling Career?

Are You Likable Enough to Have a Fulfilling Career?

We all have worked with people who build a career based on their deep skills and expertise. However, how many of those people find themselves “derailed” or “topped out” as they move up in an organization because they are difficult and no one really wants to deal with...

Change Your Team Culture and Make Everyone Come Along

Change Your Team Culture and Make Everyone Come Along

Culture change in government organizations has made headlines recently. The interim VA Chief, Robert McDonald, is committed to changing the culture there. “Trust has been compromised,” McDonald explained. Lots of organizations have cultures that don’t serve well. For...


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