4 Assumptions That Derail Decision-Making

4 Assumptions That Derail Decision-Making

Leaders face tough decisions every day. Great leaders make decisions every day. But how when there is scientific proof that the brain actually shuts down when faced with tough choices? These great men and women throw out assumptions that often get in the way of...

Women in the Workplace: Subjects of Unconscious Bias

Women in the Workplace: Subjects of Unconscious Bias

As I have been writing for a few months, inequality takes many forms and manifests in numerous manners. As women, we have been targets for many things all of our lives, however, hindering us professionally damages the way we provide for ourselves and our families. It...

The Right Bosses Inspire. The Wrong Bosses Depress.

The Right Bosses Inspire. The Wrong Bosses Depress.

Want a great team culture, where leaders and staff exceed performance expectations while living your organization's desired values?   Put the right bosses in place. Then observe, coach, and praise their aligned efforts to make certain they continue to be the right...

The History of Public Health Care and Lillian Wald

The History of Public Health Care and Lillian Wald

March 10 celebrates the birth of an extraordinary woman: Lillian Wald.  Wald was born into a middle-class New York family in 1867 and became a nurse at the age of 24.  After taking medical courses, Wald’s journey to health care reformer began. While working in...

8 Ways You Can Gain Respect in the Office

8 Ways You Can Gain Respect in the Office

Gaining respect from your colleagues is a difficult task but losing respect takes very little effort. This article will mention some of the ways through which it will be easy for you to gain respect and become a person that everyone looks forward to being with. If you...

Don’t Just Manage Results: Manage Heads, Hearts & Hands

Don’t Just Manage Results: Manage Heads, Hearts & Hands

If you see your job as managing processes and results, you’re doing half of the effective leader’s job. The other half? Managing people’s energy - and inspiring them bringing their heads (knowledge), hearts (authentic care), and hands (skills) to their work. Most...

Leadership: Making The Difference

Leadership: Making The Difference

“Leadership is a word on everyone’s lips. The young attack it and the old grow wistful of it. Parents have lost it and police seek it. Experts claim it and artists spurn it, while scholars want it. Philosophers reconcile it (as authority) with liberty and theologians...

The Promise of Leadership

The Promise of Leadership

By Bob Anderson and Bill Adams When we step into positions of leadership, we make a whole set of promises we may not know we are making. These promises are profound and come in the form of high, often unspoken expectations. Understanding, managing, and living up to...

Being Fashionably Late in the Workplace

Being Fashionably Late in the Workplace

By Jacquelyn Brookins Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist  Contrary to the title of this blog, I will not be providing reasons why showing up late to a meeting is acceptable in any way. Rather, I want to make it clear that there is no such thing as being fashionably...


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