Understanding What Makes People Tick

Understanding What Makes People Tick

I began my professional career in mental health before working in state government, public relations, and now government relations. Imagine how helpful it would be to a career in any of those fields if you were able to understand patterns of behavior, to recognize...

Suspending Assumptions in Communications

Suspending Assumptions in Communications

While walking on the beaches of Oceanside, California a couple of weeks ago, my family and I ventured onto the pier to take in the sights and sounds along that boardwalk. As we did, we came upon a family as it prepared to take a picture.  A familiar scene, the father...

3 Steps to Eliminating Bullying at Work

3 Steps to Eliminating Bullying at Work

Have you seen bullying behavior at work? Have you experienced bullying yourself? Bullying is extremely common. Stand by for some shocking statistics!   I am a huge proponent of creating high performance AND values-aligned workplaces. In a safe, inspiring, productive...

Women in the Workplace: The Benefits of Mentorship

Women in the Workplace: The Benefits of Mentorship

Women are in need of mentors in order to gain the proper skills, learn how to build a wide network, access to role models, acceptance and affirmation, and ultimate career success. For younger women, mentors can play a pivotal role in which career path we choose and...

A Tribute to a Great, Ordinary Man

A Tribute to a Great, Ordinary Man

Jack Quigley was an ordinary man. A lovely ordinary man. Sometimes we forget that the word ”extraordinary” is primarily composed of the word “ordinary”. Before I left for my surgery in Liverpool in 2002 we had one final night together in my local pub in the town where...

9 Strategies for Increasing Your Listening Power

9 Strategies for Increasing Your Listening Power

I have often been accused of not listening very well. I know that sometimes I just become preoccupied and so I fake it, hoping that the other person won’t really notice that I am not totally present in the moment. Most of the time what gets in the way of being an...

4 Tips on How to Manage a Micro Manager

4 Tips on How to Manage a Micro Manager

“Have you done the job?”, “Let me know the updates after every 15 minutes”, “Why don’t you skip your lunch and take up more work?” Are you tired of listening to these irritating statements from your manager and thinking seriously to switch your job? If yes, then you...

How to Win over Your Boss!

How to Win over Your Boss!

Is your boss always staring at you, making those un-happy faces when passing by? If that really upsets you and you want to nail it right, just take a look at this piece of writing! Following are some suggestions that can help you win your boss’s heart and can bridge a...

5 Ways to Stop Wasting Time on Conference Calls

5 Ways to Stop Wasting Time on Conference Calls

Perhaps you've been on one of these soul-sucking calls. There are lots of updates, most of which don’t require any action on your part. It would be politically incorrect to bail, but you and everyone else on the call would rather be getting real work done. A direct...


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