Launching a Competitive Job Search with Expert Advice

As a Career Coach, clients are always looking for hacks to get them ahead in their job search. So, what can you do and what tools can you leverage to get you ahead of the game? Let’s look at some of the things that work:
Leveraging LinkedIn
Structure your headline. Unfortunately, many fail to do so. If you’re unemployed, you can announce it in your headline. I don’t advise using a general or generic headline but rather something specific so recruiters and hiring managers can easily find you. For example, consider writing something like “Policy Analyst in search of next opportunity” or “Policy Analyst in search of next challenge”.
Let recruiters know you’re on the job market! You can do so using this link, which can be done privately. Once you click that link you must complete some brief information to let recruiters know what you’re searching for. This should be a great relief to those who would like to search without their employers knowing about it. LinkedIn hides this signal from recruiters at your company or affiliated company recruiters, so you can use it worry-free.
Have an All-Star Profile. Be sure to have your profile at an All-Star level. How can you do this? Use a great photo, preferably something professional, write a creative and compelling headline, and create a strong, well-written summary. Your summary should not include just what you do- but how well you do it and how you can benefit potential employers with your skills and knowledge.
Search LinkedIn Job Postings. By doing this, you can identify potential companies that you want to work for and which of course, who have open positions.
Find the Hiring Managers and Connect with Them. Next, you can use the search bar on LinkedIn to find a hiring manager or decision maker. Connect with them using a personalized message. You must use a personalized message for them to be more likely to connect with you. Otherwise, it leaves a feeling of confusion and they will be less receptive to helping you out.
Message Them Directly. Now that you have connected with them, you must message them directly. All you must do is introduce yourself, tell them that you are interested in a position at their agency or organization, and why you would a great asset. Also, be sure to ask who you can forward your resume to. This will keep it from getting lost or mixed in with all the others. It will also help them to keep you at the top of their minds.
Repeat this process! This has helped my clients land multiple job interviews. If done properly with honed interviewing skills, it can also land you multiple offers.

Mindset is oftentimes written off or considered too spiritual, however, what you internalize comes forward in your actions and your words.
To Keep Your Momentum Strong
Take Time to Reflect. I am a big believer in mindset practices and I use them with my clients. Take some time to consider the following:
- What are your greatest strengths?
- How can you own your weaknesses?
- What are the most important skills you’ve developed?
- What skills would you still like to develop?
- What experiences would you like to have in the future?
Mindset is oftentimes written off or considered too spiritual, however, what you internalize comes forward in your actions and your words. In other words, it acts like a mirror. In the case of your job search, it typically comes out in your resume, career profiles, and documents, or in the interview process. Taking time to reflect and in mindset practices will keep you mentally strong and prepared for the challenge of a job search.
Work Your Network- Properly. Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to do this. Are you considering making moves in the future? Talk to your friends and associates about their positions. Ask what skills you may need to be in their fields. How is this the right way? By being proactive, you can already have some momentum and know which direction you’d like to go in. So, what can you do?
Reach out to former co-workers. If you’ve lost touch with someone you liked and respected, then re-connect with them and schedule a time to meet up. This is a great way to find out what they’re up to now, what projects they’re involved with, and what skills they need.
Use LinkedIn- Again. You can use the platform to search potential people to network with who share a commonality. Ask them for advice about breaking into their field.
Ask others for recommendations. You can always ask a connection for a recommendation to network with when you’re seeking to expand and add value to your circle.
Build a strong personal support network. This is also very important because you only want people around you who will motivate you and help to keep you positive and prepared for this challenge. After all, if you’re working on your mindset and building momentum in your search- why would you want anyone to ruin your progress?
Most important of all, keep going. Recognize that you are special, have a lot to offer, and you are an asset to the right employer. It’s worth finding taking the time to find them!