babbitt.job.searchDepression caused by chronic unemployment can be all-consuming. While job seekers are certainly not responsible for our current economy, this problem seems to be compounded by our attitudes: pessimism, angst and guilt. And not to twist the already inserted knife, but to bring us to the root cause of the problem… Much of this anxiety is self-induced. We bring it on ourselves. How? By being ridiculously dependent on technology-based means of searching for work. Specifically, our belief that applying for jobs through a big job board passes as acceptable job search strategy. While certainly of great value, what if, starting this week, we replaced pessimism with passion? Angst with ambition? And guilt with guts? Through unbridled passion, clear ambition, and with guts clearly on display… would employers see us in a different light? Would we climb the competitive ladder closer toward the top? And would we stand a much better chance of getting that internship? Of course!

And what if, at the same time, we began to realize the internet is a means of delivery, not always a two-way communication medium for your Job Search? Let me explain:

  • The internet – specifically job boards, Careers In Government, Twitter and now LinkedIn – has done an incredible job of replacing newspapers as a method of advertising an open position; advertising, as we know, is one-way communication
  • As a delivery method, the internet has made snail mail and fax machines near-obsolete; these deliveries – email, tweet or LinkedIn message – are one-way communications (at least until the communication is acknowledged by the recipient)
  • As used by most of us, all the internet is simply an ultra-convenient form of one-way communication

Disagree? How many times have you seen a job posting on the internet that matches your experience and goals perfectly, replied in earnest, then waited and waited… but never received a response? That is the epitome of one-way communication. With this understanding, and knowing that what you’ve been doing isn’t helping you find a job, what if you began making sure that your communication was, indeed, two-way? Here’s how: Get Face-to-Face Once you’ve made your initial attempt at contact via internet (and if you do not receive a response, of course) face-to-face visits, when appropriate, are the best form of communication. This is especially true at small businesses, start-ups and non-profit organizations. Dress professionally, hand deliver your resume and ask for an introduction to the hiring manager. At the very least, introduce yourself to the gatekeeper with a firm handshake and a smile. Impress him or her, and she’ll become your champion to the recruiter: “This guy is very professional – we should interview him!” Pick up the Phone! Second-best is a series of follow-up phone calls after sending your resume, or your first interview. Not just one phone call. Be persistent! Here’s a good rule of thumb for follow-up:

  • One call within 48 hours of the interview.
  • If you received voice mail or left a message, another call, again within 48 hours.
  • If still no answer, make two more calls the next work week.
  • Still no response? Send a thank you (the business kind from Office Depot, perhaps). Rarely, if ever, will a gatekeeper stop a hand-written thank you note from getting all the way through to the addressee.

Become a Stalker No, not that kind of a stalker. But, more like a detective that always solves the crime, one that shows you have the tenacity required to get the job – any job – done. Seek out the recruiter on social media. What Twitter conversations and chats so they follow? Where do they engage? What LinkedIn Groups so they belong to, and participate in? Go there. Be there. And – using passion, ambition and guts – deliberately seek out a two-way conversation. Stop relying on the internet as a delivery device. Stop talking at recruiters and start talking to them. Engage! Your job search will take a huge turn for the better.


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