How to Make Big Decisions More Effectively

But what if you chose to also seek the input from people you are less inclined to consider? People like that grumpy co-worker who has been through different experiences with the company then you have. Or the person who is always asking questions (being nosy?) but may have a lot of insightful information that could end up helping you.
While you need more energy to listen and engage with these people, you cannot make a well-informed decision by talking only to those with whom you feel most comfortable, or that are inclined to agree with you. That leads to insular thinking, and you may miss key inputs that could help you minimize pitfalls and sway your decision toward an even better outcome.

Your closest colleagues
This is the easiest group. You probably share a similar world view and leadership approach. Talk with them and push them to consider other perspectives by saying, “If this approach wasn’t available, what else should I consider?” This question forces a conversation that expands perspectives.
Your biggest critics
Who are the people who always disagree with you? Seek out their opinions (when you are in an open frame of mind and your energy is high.)
Those with fringe opinions
These people may think in unpopular or very innovative ways. While you may not adopt their perspective fully, you may discover a nugget of truth that should be considered, particularly for long-term decisions.
Those outside everyone’s circle
These are people not in your industry or who live somewhere else (possibly far away.) These factors alone would provide some objective perspective and a powerful learning opportunity.
Widen your circle of influencers the next time you have a big decision to make and see how much it informs and enlightens you!