How to Gain Insight and Aha-Moments in Four Simple Steps

Pay attention to the quiet voice. Your brain is like a filing cabinet. It stores events and memories from your past in tiny filing folders. Just like a filing cabinet, your brain stores the more useful current information in the front of your memory cabinet. This does not mean that the less used folders don’t exist; they are just waiting to help nudge you away from a certain option, providing the memory of past experience or details to help you make the best decision. The quiet voice is like a librarian that puts all the less used memories to the front of the cabinet when it’s needed. You just need to make sure to open the drawer and pay attention to the material.

Take away the distractions. In order to really understand something, you need to rid yourself of distractions, especially visual blockers. Focus on subtle signals or sounds. Visual blocks are the worst mental blocks when trying to switch signals and focus on the solution.
Pause when needed. The brain can become overwhelmed and sometimes stepping away for a few moments to let your mind wander can do great things to “reset” your brain and mood. Sleeping well through the night and naps can also help create positive energy to focus on.
Do you see yourself being able to complete these steps? Pick one to start with and see how your insightful moments flourish!