How To Create a Resume for a State and Local Government Job

Do you want to create a convincing resume that will give you an advantage in your application for an opening at the state or local government? You are in luck! All you need to know lies in this ultimate guide. Keep reading!
If you are interested in applying for a vacant position at the state or local government and you want to get off on the right foot, you need to prepare your resume. However, just any resume won’t cut it. You need to submit a top-notch and professional resume — one that contains the much-needed information and meets the basic requirements.
You see, this is your chance to show your unique attributes as a professional and what makes you the ideal fit for the position. So, your resume has to be top-drawer and highly persuasive.
That said, if you are probably wondering what you need for an effective resume or CV writing, don’t worry. We have got you covered.
In this article, we will show you the guidelines for writing a resume and how to go about it — even if you are just doing a resume for the first time.
Let’s get started!
Where Do You Start?
As they say, “everything that has a beginning has an ending.” You stand a good chance of having a beautiful ending if you do the right thing at the beginning. This leads to the question: “Where Do You Start?”
Before creating your resume, ensure you take time out to read the job description. This will help you determine how well you fit into the vacant government role. Every state or local government has specific requirements and goals they expect their potential employees to meet. Therefore, you need to know what they are looking for.
Once you confirm that you are an excellent fit, that means one thing — it is time to create your resume. Now that you already know what is required, you can tailor your resume to show how best suited you are to the available position.
But before you attempt to make your resume, you need to know that there is a specific format and style attached to this kind of resume.
Is this your first time creating a resume? Or have you previously written resumes that didn’t get you the government job you wanted? Whatever the case may be, you can rest assured that you will find a solution in this article.
We will show you all the details you need to include when putting a resume together in a bit. Read on!
What Is A Government Resume?
Remember, we stressed earlier that government resumes require a slightly different approach. This is where we tell you why. No better way to start than explaining what a government resume is.
Let’s get right into it!
A government resume is simply one of the important documents you must submit when applying for a particular government job. Although writing a government resume is similar to the regular resume in many ways, you shouldn’t use them interchangeably. In other words, do not use a regular resume when applying for a government position.
If you have been submitting a regular resume instead of a government resume, you have missed a trick. It’s possibly the reason you have not gotten your dream government job.
So, what differentiates a government resume from a regular resume?
We have the details explained below.
Differences Between A Government and Regular Resume
- The Details
- Keywords Placement
- Resume Formatting
- Resume Length
The Details: This is one of the main reasons why using a regular resume instead of a government resume isn’t a good idea. The details required in both resumes differ in some ways. In a regular resume, you can explain your assignments in a specific position. For instance, if you are an accountant, you can emphasize the duties you carry out on a daily basis.
However, with government resumes, the tables turn differently. In this case, facts are more effective. This means that using numbers works best.
For example, if you were given a task to lead a project, mention how many people worked under you. Also, you can state the number of commendations and awards you have gotten for your performance and consistency. This is how it works with government resumes.
Keywords Placement: Your utilization of keywords when writing your resume should not be overlooked. This is because government and regular resumes require different keyword placement. If you are writing a government resume, ensure you use many keywords and place most of those keywords in your introductory paragraphs.
Conversely, when putting together your regular resume, do not spread the keywords. Instead, place them in strategic positions, such as the front of a key paragraph or section. Additionally, make sure all the keywords you use are capitalized, so that they are easy to notice.
Resume Formatting: The formatting involved in both resumes couldn’t be more different. When writing a regular resume, you need to convey your information as fast as you possibly can. This is why it is highly recommended that you use short bullet points, as they make your resume appealing and easy to read.
On the other hand, you need to provide more information when writing a government resume. In this scenario, the best approach is the utilization of paragraphs containing at least 4 sentences. Paragraphs allow you to express and show why you are the ideal fit for a position.
Resume Length: A regular resume is usually short, as it involves summarizing the attributes that make you ideal for a vacant role. Contrarily, government resumes are lengthy, time-consuming, and stressful. Nonetheless, they give you a better chance of explaining why you should be considered for the government job.
Use A Resume Builder
Are you making your first resume and don’t know how to go about it? Or are you tired of writing resumes that don’t yield the result you desire? How would you feel if we told you that you could get a high-quality resume without having to go through the stress of writing one from scratch?
Here’s the thing, if you don’t know how to write an appealing resume, you can use a resume builder.
But, what’s a Resume Builder?
A resume builder is an online tool that provides you with ready-made and easy-to-use job resumes layout and templates. One of the best online resume builders out there is Resumist, as it allows you to create professional, effective, and eye-catching resumes that will give you a better chance of getting your dream job. The best part is, it is fast and you get to access it for free.
So, if you need help with your resume, here is how Resumist works:
- Choose a simple layout that is perfect for the state or local government position you are applying for
- Fill it up with pre-written phrases tailored to your state or local government job choice
- Select a template endorsed by highly regarded recruiters
….And you are good to go.

What To Include In A Government Resume
Possessing knowledge on what should be in a government resume will help you to write your resume the right way. Without further ado, here are the tips for writing a resume when applying for a government job:
- Contact Information
- Education
- Work Experience
- Volunteer Work
- Accomplishments
Contact Information: For easy identification, you should include contact information, such as your email address, telephone number, postal address, and full name.
Education: Here, you are expected to provide information about the schools you have attended, the certifications, degrees you have earned, and other details like:
- The years you attended a particular school
- The sum of credit hours you earned
- The dates you completed your schooling
- The awards or recognition you got in different schools
- Your educational organization membership status
- Important papers, presentations, projects, and course works that you completed
Work Experience: When writing a government resume, you should give a well-detailed account of your experience working for different companies over the years. And based on experts’ comments, you should start the body of your government resume with your experience as a professional.
Here is what you need to give a well-detailed account of your work experience:
- Your job title
- The name of your present or previous employers and their location
- When you started working at a company and when you ended
- The average number of hours you worked weekly
- A comprehensive explanation of your day-to-day responsibilities
- Your supervisor’s name and contact information
Volunteer Work: If you have done any volunteer work previously that relates to the government job you are applying for, feel free to include it. It might be what tilts the odds in your favor.
Accomplishments: What did you accomplish in your previous or present job? How did you help your company achieve its set goals? These are the types of information you should include. It gives you an advantage.
For instance, you can mention how you helped the company to manage, save, or earn money. Or how you helped the company close a big deal. Remember to use numbers when inserting details about your accomplishments. Numbers work wonders when it comes to government resumes.
Here is an example of how to use numbers to show your accomplishment:
- Exceeded the company’s financial goal expectation for the month by 10%
- Helped the company acquire 20% in profits
With the aid of the resume best practices we have shared so far, you can now confidently make your first resume or correct the errors in your previous ones. So, go for gold!
Happy Government Resume Creation!
How Do You Write A State Government Resume?
All you need to write an informative and eye-catching government resume has been listed and explained in this article. Refer to it when you have to.
What Should I Put On My Resume For A Government Job?
You will do well to take a look at the sub-heading in this article tagged, “What Should I Include In A Government Resume” for more information.
Do State Jobs Look Good On A Resume?
Yes, they do. If you have done any previous state jobs that are relevant to the job you are applying for, do not hesitate to include them in your resume.
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