Competitive Career Advice for a Promising Job Search

Job searches can be long and frustrating. According to a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 73 percent of candidates say that the job search process is one of the most frustrating things in life and 40 percent of workers plan to change jobs this year. So, when this is labeled as one of the most stressful and highly frustrating things, it means that employers could be providing a better experience to simplify the process. It also means that candidates need to prepare themselves mentally for the shift and the toll that a search requires. How can they do this? Let’s look.
Job Search Stress and Your Mindset
A Career Coach is a valuable resource for job seekers. They oftentimes have services and programs defined specifically for a job seeker’s needs. A Career Coach also can pay attention to your mindset. Your mindset is vastly important in a job search because if you do not think, feel, or act in a confident manner then you will not get hired. Also, it is important to do mindset work daily to keep yourself on track. Gratitude journals and brag books are important pieces in keeping your confidence up.
In a recent article, Moneyish discussed the struggles job seekers endure, particularly the ambiguity and anxiety surrounding the process. Candidates put their all into a search and they’re not sure what they’re getting out if it. Also, it’s the anxiety surrounding competition. Candidates know that there is competition but they’re unclear how competitive they truly are themselves. One common thing I hear from most clients as well is that they are putting their all into this process and receiving little to no feedback. Interviews also are some of the most stressful parts of the process for some. This is also where working on your mindset is important, so if you’re feeling stuck or needed to be guided through your search, I advise finding a career coach.

A Career Coach is a valuable resource for job seekers. They oftentimes have services and programs defined specifically for a job seeker’s needs.
Resume Pointers…to Get Your Resume Read
Also, you may want to consider having some of your content written by a professional. This will help the frustration level, particularly if you’re unclear as to proper formatting, keywords, or other main points. There are things that you can quickly fix:
- Update your email address. Be sure it isn’t something that’s pre-21st century. If it is, I advise creating a Gmail address for your job search.
- List your cell phone, not your landline. If you still have one, your cell phone is the best way to reach you- so that should be listed on your resume.
- Remove your home address. I advise clients all the time to remove their home address. It’s an unnecessary piece of information to apply for a job and most applications are done online so it’s best to protect your personal information.
- Eliminate any Passive Verbs and Subjective Wording. A resume is your opportunity to position your value to an employer. Neither one of these add any value towards that effort. Do not use words that have connotations around dated accomplishments or skills or others that do not sound confident. Focus on using action verbs and accomplishments with examples.
- Update Your Format. Don’t be afraid to use color, graphs, or charts to convey your impact. By doing so, you will stand out from the crowd.
- Remove any outdated positions, accomplishments, volunteer experience, or any other bloat. You can save all this information for LinkedIn. It will also cut down the length, if necessary.
- Don’t Get Hung Up on Semantics. If you’re responsible for an accomplishment, take credit for it.
- Don’t forget about LinkedIn. Employers will be checking your profile so be sure to update your summary to reflect your current needs, have a current photo, and be sure it’s complete, including your work history and skills. Your summary also should include keywords.
- Tailor Your Cover Letters. Cover letters aren’t fun to write but they need to be done properly. Be sure it’s tailored for the position and be sure not to sound overly aggressive- or under. Project your value because you want the job and you know what you offer and can bring to the organization. If you get hung up on your anxiety while writing, then it will come out in your writing.
Is all this a maze for you?
Then it’s time for you to find a professional to help you. Don’t waste your time and energy by allowing employment opportunities slip by because you’re unsure where you stand in the process. 45 percent of employers’ report that they are unable to fill open positions because they cannot find qualified talent. There are plenty of qualified candidates out there; it’s a matter of how you’re portraying your value. Remember, you’re an excellent candidate worthy of an opportunity to match your talent and skills.