how to propel your careerThe British cycling team has been an astounding success in recent years. Much has been made of their meticulous approach to preparing for the London Olympics. In particular, they embedded small behavioural habits incrementally into their routines so they became second nature. This is a lesson for professionals everywhere who want to take charge of their career and get promoted.

Here are 3 steps to propel your career and show your potential:

Identify the competences of one or even two roles above you and observe how they are demonstrated well by people you admire in those roles.

Practice the relevant attitudes, behaviours and skills a step at a time, in your own inimitable style, linked to your timescale for getting promoted. It’s not about copying other people – you will only be credible if you are genuine and true to yourself. Deliberately become more visible.

Build intime for personal reflection, getting feedback and reviewing with others – so you know if you are making progress.. Then fine tune your approach, reinforce what you have learned and take the next steps.

Adopting the following mindsets will help you be more employable at a higher level:

Be Open – I want to develop and get promoted

Be Curious – I want to discover what it takes to be in that role

Be Hopeful – I am optimistic and look for opportunities to support others

Be Aware – I don’t know who I can be until I know who I am and what I can do

Be Humble – I will get things wrong and I see that as an opportunity to learn

Be Resilient – I bounce back from setbacks and maintain my focus

Be Flexible – I contribute over and above what is expected of me on occasions

Be Courageous – I want to take risks and will work with uncertainty

Be Driven – I want to make things happen

These mindsets are your rocket fuel for taking genuine ownership and responsibility for action to achieve your goal of getting promoted. Grow your confidence through successes (and by promoting them), the right support, giving, and a sense of personal direction and control over your life.

What small, behavioural habits can you improve by 1% by building them into your daily routine and begin to be noticed?


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Careers in Government
A stylized image of a rocket launching into the sky from a spherical representation of Earth. The ground appears as a tiny planet, with clouds of orange and brown smoke billowing from the rocket's engines, symbolizing the dramatic ascent of one's career against a dark blue background.
how to propel your career
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