In today’s competitive job search market, it is crucial that you are networking and conducting your search using multiple venues. If you’re just checking online job posts, or skimming over the classifieds in your local paper-then you’re missing out. Using social media sites to market your skills and expertise is a must-and LinkedIn is the number one site for professionals to truly showcase their value.

Unlike some other sites where you have to pay, LinkedIn still has a free option-which all job seekers should be taking advantage of.  If the thought of putting yourself out on social media overwhelms you-don’t let it.  LinkedIn is an easy site to navigate and we can help you get started…

  1. Let people find you…
  • Name: Your name should be displayed as it is on your resume-include any relevant credentials
  • Headline: Make it catchy! Use industry-specific keywords and terms-using your current job title (LI’s default) is boring!
  • URL: Customize it! If your name is already taken, then use your middle initial or a credential-use the URL to hyperlink your profile to your resume and other career documents.
  • Photo: A clear, professional-looking photo of you smiling is best! No cropped or personal photos.
  • Email: If you’re setting up the profile from scratch-don’t use a work email to create the account-only personal.
  1. Grab readers up front…
  • A strategically-written summary introduces you to the professional world. Be sure that you use industry-specific keywords and your best marketing skills to show your value!
  • Throw in a few career highlights to show the impact you’ve made during your career.
  1. Share your story….
  • Your career history should contain the same dates, titles, and company names as your resume.
  • Focus on sharing your achievements, not just your daily duties
  • Quantify your achievements whenever possible. Sometimes numbers can speak louder than words!
  1. Don’t forget your qualifications…
  • Use the Skills/Expertise section to list up to 50 of your most important skills.
  • Search to see what others in your industry are including on their skills lists.
  • Let people endorse you!
  1. Each section has a purpose…
  • Organizations: If you belong, list them. Show networking in your industry is important.
  • Volunteering: Are you service-oriented?
  • Interests: Just a few (golf, travel, fine dining, etc.) show you have a human side.
  • Contact: Be sure to list your email address again in the contact section…makes it easy for you to be contacted outside of LinkedIn!

Setting up your profile on LinkedIn isn’t difficult, but it is a must if you’re in an active job search. Once you’re all set up, start networking and join industry groups to see job postings and industry trends and activities. Good luck!


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