Is an HR Career Right For You?

Is an HR Career Right For You?

I have had this HR career conversation with many a person looking to get into the field of Human Resources.  Often it is with either a student who has commenced their studies in HR or has just graduated from an HR program.  Sometimes this discussion takes place with...

Crisis in Blue Within the Policing Profession

Crisis in Blue Within the Policing Profession

Over the next 20 years, and more importantly the next five years, we will see a huge rush of Baby Boomers and older Generation Xers exiting the workplace and entering into their retirement years. This organizational memory and labor exodus is especially true of the...

Lessons From the Possum

Lessons From the Possum

I once had a possum on my sorting line.  Weird way to start an article I know but bear with me.  The possum had come in the back of a garbage truck with a load to my transfer station.  Who knows how he got there, one can only guess it was in the container when the...

Improve your LinkedIn Profile

Improve your LinkedIn Profile

Everyone has probably been told many times now that job seekers should be on LinkedIn.  It’s a great networking tool and can help build your digital presence, impressing an employer when they Google you.  It can also help you get found by recruiters and introduce you...

Federal Government Trends: Contracting, HR, Budget & IT

Federal Government Trends: Contracting, HR, Budget & IT

While it is valuable to know what is trending, it is critical to contemplate what benefits your future and what empowers you to fulfill your personal potential. Assess viable options. The Federal Government offers opportunities in Contracting, Human Resources, Budget...

Outsourcing Can Lead to Increased Government Efficiencies

Outsourcing Can Lead to Increased Government Efficiencies

Nothing drives innovation like challenge. The silver lining in the cloud of fiscal strain facing many local governments is that nothing drives innovation quite like challenge.  The great recession has produced buzz phrases that are already growing tired, from “doing...

Treat Your Professional Identity Like Metadata

Treat Your Professional Identity Like Metadata

Big data is a hot topic. Mega corporations like Google and Amazon glean huge volumes of information about their customers’ interests and spending patterns. The furore over the Edward Snowden revelations propelled the word metadata from the private lexicon of IT...

New Technologies Graduates Need to Know for Government Employment

New Technologies Graduates Need to Know for Government Employment

We have all become increasingly aware of the use of data by the federal government. From national security to health care to education, data and new technologies are playing increased roles in what federal agencies do. But increasingly, municipal governments are also...


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