Why Follow Up After Submitting an Application Is Essential

Why Follow Up After Submitting an Application Is Essential

Some government job candidates miss a critical part of the hiring process.   The step most often skipped is post-application follow-up.  There are three reasons to follow-up after you submit your application.  The first reason is to ensure the application was received...

Public-Private Partnerships – Essential in Building Community

Public-Private Partnerships – Essential in Building Community

Public-Private Partnerships is a phrase that is often overused and under supplied.  In today’s economic environment, I have found that genuine partnerships are needed to achieve the return of investment, time, and energy for both the private and public...

Public Service – A Rewarding Experience

Public Service – A Rewarding Experience

I have served local governments for over 27 years and I can truly say the experience and opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many is a rewarding experience and one I would not trade. My passion, which I began to realize many years ago, was in creating...

Managing Through Outsourcing

Managing Through Outsourcing

In times such as these, many people still have a feeling that public sector employees are overpaid, underworked, and (frankly) untouchable.  The reality of public service is they are not.  Coming from the private sector 12 years ago to the public arena, I vowed never...

How to Make Up Lost Sequester Hours

How to Make Up Lost Sequester Hours

By now, we’re all aware of the dreaded sequester -- or group cuts to federal spending -- that recently went into effect. According to The Washington Post, although the sequester was originally meant to serve as an incentive for the Joint Select Committee on Deficit...

Government Employment and Staffing

Government Employment and Staffing

For as long as most of us can remember the words “government employee” have been synonymous with steady, reliable employment where terms like “downsizing” and” rightsizing” seldom applied and the threat of being laid off was as remote as snowfall in Miami Beach. ...

Why Most Economic Development Efforts Fail

Why Most Economic Development Efforts Fail

This is the second article in a four-part series on Why Local Governments Fail at Economic Development. The first article addressed how local government officials “fail to define and sell the sizzle” that makes their community attractive for a new businesses...

A New Look at the Importance of Cities

A New Look at the Importance of Cities

Is the distinction between working in municipal, state/provincial or federal government an ever-narrowing focus to smaller geographical areas and more localized issues? No. Consider this: cities are the economic engines of a country. Innovation, research and...

Seeking a Job in Utopia: Top Cities for Job Satisfaction

Seeking a Job in Utopia: Top Cities for Job Satisfaction

  MuniNet Guide a municipal research website focusing on state and local government, U.S. demographic and employment trends, public finance, and municipal bonds; highlighted a recent report on cities with the highest job satisfaction.  Topping the Glassdoor...


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