Dressing for Success Leads to Success

The popular phrase, “dress for success,” is especially applicable for those striving for a career in government. Looking professional goes beyond the clothes you wear, it shows dedication and respect for both your career and those around you. We all know how difficult it can be to wake up, get dressed, and clock in at 9:00am. Capsule wardrobes are here to help you save money, time, decrease early morning stress, and even boost your confidence.
What is a Capsule Wardrobe? The term, capsule wardrobe, was coined in the 1970s by London boutique owner, Susie Faux. A capsule wardrobe is comprised of approximately 27 high quality, versatile pieces that you can mix and match to create up to 100 different outfits. This method allows you to spend time and energy on more important aspects of your life. Gone are the days of being concerned about what you’re going to wear to lunch with your boss, or that last minute morning meeting.
Do you want to live more with less? Start by sorting your current clothes into three piles: currently wearing, seasonal, and other. You can donate or sell the “other” pile in order to maintain this minimalist lifestyle. Once piles are sorted, strive to select 2-3 clothing items from each category: tops, bottom, shoes, accessories, and other (includes dresses and jackets). Next, allow yourself to splurge on one of these categories by adding an additional article of clothing. Now it’s time to build your outfits, and set a schedule to edit or rotate your wardrobe.

“What is a Capsule Wardrobe? The term, capsule wardrobe, was coined in the 1970s by London boutique owner, Susie Faux.”
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