Life: The End or Just the Beginning?

Life: The End or Just the Beginning?

Life.  Is it the end of just the beginning?  I went to a funeral yesterday. I have gone to a lot of funerals over the last 12 years of people who expected to be going to mine. It reminded me again of how we can all be so busy living, we forget about dying. We want to...

What Is An International Development Master’s Program?

What Is An International Development Master’s Program?

International development masters programs are ideal for those interested in all aspects of eliminating global poverty, including improving health and education services, creating a sustainable food supply, developing economic institutions, and promoting safety, human...

Education Innovation: The CAPS Model

Education Innovation: The CAPS Model

I am a public-sector entrepreneur. I must help people with my work; it is my oxygen. My personal mission statement is: “To help people make connections that help them live their dreams.”  That is why I feel blessed to be the new Executive Director of the Blue Valley...

Public Sector Employment: 5 Common Misconceptions

Public Sector Employment: 5 Common Misconceptions

While many occupations carry stereotypes – think lawyer, professor, NFL player – few are less understood than those in state and local government. Media hype and outdated perceptions have led to several misconceptions about people who work in the public sector – from...

Scotland Will Vote “NO”

Scotland Will Vote “NO”

To CIG’s American readers; it is no exaggeration to say that this coming September 18th has the potential to directly affect your life. And for those in Europe; the day certainly will. The United Kingdom’s relationship with both the USA and the European Union will...

Public Health: Public-Private Partnerships

Public Health: Public-Private Partnerships

A couple of months of ago I began writing about Public-Private Partnerships, also known as 3Ps, and the diversity of their utilization within various projects and programs. 3Ps may be most well-known to some for their application in infrastructure projects. However,...

Adult Education: 8 Tips for Mature Students

Adult Education: 8 Tips for Mature Students

How do you juggle studying as a mature student in adult education while holding down a day job? Continuing professional development (CPD) helps to maintain and build your employability throughout your career. However, it can be a bit of a shock if you've been out of...

Office Games

Office Games

When people talk about their managers and co-workers playing games at the office, they usually aren’t talking about Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Cut the Rope, Monopoly, or Scrabble. They are instead talking about people engaging in excessively political behavior,...

Interviewing Tips for the Introvert

Interviewing Tips for the Introvert

If you’re an introvert, going out on job interviews and charming employers might not be your strong point.  In fact you may dread interviews and stress about it for days, or even weeks before. Some of the common complaints given by employers related to introverts are:...


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