Do You Really Want That Job?

Do You Really Want That Job?

It is no secret that the job market is becoming more and more challenging, and companies are getting flooded with resumes of candidates who are interested in that particular position. So what are companies doing to separate the qualified from the unqualified...

Recruiting Millennials for Local Government

Recruiting Millennials for Local Government

What if I told you that over the next five to 10 years a significant number (potentially over 35%) of local government workers will retire? You would probably respond, “Tell me something that I don’t know.” Most people are aware of the retirement wave, but very few...

Secret to Successful Relationships: Go from Gold to Platinum

Secret to Successful Relationships: Go from Gold to Platinum

Chances are you’ve heard of The Golden Rule, which prescribes: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It turns out, there’s a better rule to live and work by: The Platinum Rule. Unlike The Golden Rule, The Platinum Rule by Dr. Tony Alessandra says to...

A New Generation in Local Government

A New Generation in Local Government

Local government has all the elements a young person yearns for in a profession. The work you do is rewarding and immediate, the people you meet are bright and accomplished, and the communities you work in are strong, vibrant and itching for fresh blood to contribute...

The Five Stages of Team Building: Part 2

The Five Stages of Team Building: Part 2

Storming is where we begin this month. When we left our newly “formed” team they were all standing there smiling and ready to do good deeds in the name of the organization right?  No, sorry, I can’t back that up.  They were likely stuck with a person they didn’t...

Don’t Let Bureaucracy Inhibit Inspiration

Don’t Let Bureaucracy Inhibit Inspiration

Do your organization's systems, policies, and procedures inspire team members, help them perform well, and help them serve internal and external customers well? Or do those systems erode inspiration, consistent performance, and great service delivery? Organizations...

7 Soft Skills We Never Hear About (But Must Master)

7 Soft Skills We Never Hear About (But Must Master)

As we write our resumes, build our social media profiles and search for jobs, we hear a lot about the importance of soft skills. Communication, leadership, problem solving and other skills tend to dominate those conversations – and for good reason: hose skills are...

Government Recruitment and Retention: 3 Conclusions

Government Recruitment and Retention: 3 Conclusions

When presented with the opportunity to prepare a guest post for Careers in Government, I struggled to identify a topic that would be applicable for the wide audience touched by their web and social media presence. Having spent quite a bit of time providing...

Education Infrastructure: Public-Private Partnerships

Education Infrastructure: Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships have been utilized successfully as an alternative to finance repairs enabling new infrastructure, such as those for roads and bridges. What has not been discussed is employing P3s for the improvement of our education infrastructure, such as...


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