God Bless America!

God Bless America!

America, to the outsider, can be many different things. A Superpower, the Land of Hope and Glory, the most advanced nation on earth, the capital of the world for, among other things, film and entertainment, space exploration, global business and information...

Information Governance Insights: It’s All About the Metrics

Information Governance Insights: It’s All About the Metrics

Organizations run on metrics. In the previous article we discussed measuring your Information Governance program against the ARMA International Generally Accepted Records Keeping Principles® using their NextLevel™ assessment tool. This gives you a baseline score of...

Government Careers in Agriculture & Natural Resources

Government Careers in Agriculture & Natural Resources

It’s hard to imagine that there are many other fields where the employment outlook so favors the job seeker: There will be nearly 58,000 agriculture-related job openings annually over the next five years, according to a Purdue University report released in May. But...

Government Funded Resources for Your Education

Government Funded Resources for Your Education

If a career in local government is your target, acquiring the necessary education is essential. The biggest obstacle? It can be summed up in one word: money. Yes, money may seem hard to come by, especially considering the rise in tuition and fees for colleges and...

Be Inspired: What Would You Do With 3 Months to live?

Be Inspired: What Would You Do With 3 Months to live?

13 years ago I was given 3 months to live. It appeared to be absolute. I had just been diagnosed with one of the worst cases of Head & Neck cancer ever seen. All of those who had gone before me were gone within 3 months. I was just getting to grips with this...

Calling All Veterans: Your County Wants You!

Calling All Veterans: Your County Wants You!

San Diego County’s commitment to the local veterans community, one of the largest in the nation, continues to grow. Recognizing the opportunity to capture the talents and resources of this group, the County’s Human Resources Department launched the Veterans Outreach...

Public Policy: Evaluating Climate Change into Risk Assessments

Public Policy: Evaluating Climate Change into Risk Assessments

Public-private partnerships are quickly garnering an increasing amount of attention for public policy requirements, including water/wastewater, energy, economic development, and transportation projects. P3s require an exceptional amount of planning, design, and the...

Recruiting Millennials in Local Government

Recruiting Millennials in Local Government

Gone are the days that local governments can attract top talent based only on the notion of job security.  Furthermore, local governments across the country have been forced to lay off staff, reduce benefits, and cut core services. Additionally, even as the market...

Leadership in Government

Leadership in Government

My fundamental philosophy is that if we are not willing to open our minds, listen with our hearts and seek understanding of some of the most crucial problems of our time, then we have failed as leaders. Over the last few years, I have thought a lot about how leaders...


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