Your Career: Be Ready to Advance it

Your Career: Be Ready to Advance it

Change is inevitable in the business environment, with globalization and the constant evolution of technology. To stay competitive, businesses must keep up with the rapid pace of change, and employees often shoulder the responsibility for making the change happen. But...

Taking Stock of Your Federal Job Search

Taking Stock of Your Federal Job Search

It’s January 2015! Time to set some goals!! Let’s see…eat right, exercise, lose weight, and spend time perfecting our federal job application package. If we were honest, we might admit that we establish the same goals year after year without doing anything – or maybe...

The Advantage Of Learning Just One Thing

The Advantage Of Learning Just One Thing

Most of the time the New Year's Resolution list is a mile long. But how much of last year's list did you get accomplished? I am cringing here a bit realizing the things I didn’t accomplish. If you did all of it -- or if you can even find your 2014 resolution list --...

Dispute Resolution: Public Private Partnerships

Dispute Resolution: Public Private Partnerships

Dispute resolution is one of the most critical features within P3s because it facilitates a method of resolving any conflict within the partnership or the project. It also ensures that the project will move forward in a practical and efficient manner. P3s include many...

Electoral System: UK & U.S.

Electoral System: UK & U.S.

It’s an exciting time for government. There’s a Presidential election next year in the US, and the UK will choose its Prime Minister in May, just a few months from now. But how we choose our leaders differs by country – and ultimately influences the result, our...

Run for Your Life

Run for Your Life

I have been a runner now for over 30 years at a level that many people can probably identify with. I will never be in danger of troubling the elite participants in any race but, at times of consistent training, I can put in a performance that many runners would be...

Organizational Policy in Local Government

Organizational Policy in Local Government

Administrators and managers typically author and publish organizational policies, rules, and standards.  But when it comes to actually defining those standards, and the meaning and purpose of those rules, the leaders of the organization will develop common...

Local Government: Making a Difference

Local Government: Making a Difference

As a public service professional, you may have a strong will to work for the federal government. The skills and knowledge that you may have learned through experience or through your MPA program could be utilized by pursuing a career in local government. Making...

How Local Government Decisions Are Made

How Local Government Decisions Are Made

People are often surprised at the decisions local government officials and business leaders make. It’s common to hear individuals say “What the heck were they thinking” when they made that decision? Since I enjoyed fantastic careers in both local government and...


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