Information Governance Insights: Is It Time?

Information Governance Insights: Is It Time?

Information Governance is easier when you think of it in terms of The Four "Ws" which are ​What are your information assets? Where are they located? When can you dispose of them? Who manages them and has access to them? In last month's article we talked about the...

Celebrate Health Literacy Month!

Celebrate Health Literacy Month!

More than a third of the country’s population is healthcare illiterate.  What does this mean?  It means that these members of the population struggle to obtain and process healthcare knowledge and data.  Thus, they make less-informed healthcare decisions, ultimately...

Understanding Your Brain Results in Better Collaboration

Understanding Your Brain Results in Better Collaboration

It happened again…my dog hunted and “captured” a rabbit in our backyard! I have a Basenji, which is a breed from Africa who has hunting instincts, especially rodents. Those hunting instincts are strong and she just can’t help herself. Just as animals have those...

Beyond the Family Tree of Contracting

Beyond the Family Tree of Contracting

By Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth, Program Director, Government Contracts and Acquisition at American Public University Remember the yellow, No. 2, FaberCastell pencil? It was the American standard for decades of K-12 schools and colleges and could also be found inside the...

Police Officers Need a Second Career Plan

Police Officers Need a Second Career Plan

There’s life after police work. A lot of my friends went on to second careers when their police careers ended. Some stayed in the investigations field and became private investigators or security specialists. Others wanted to try something completely different and...

Engaging Citizens on Social Media: Show Some Personality!

Engaging Citizens on Social Media: Show Some Personality!

Ask any social media manager for a government agency what works, and you will likely get this question in return: “Works for what purpose?” There are many reasons government agencies might turn toward social media to communicate with citizens: emergency...

7 Education Tips for Public Sector Careers

7 Education Tips for Public Sector Careers

When Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” he could have been referring to the career path of a public sector worker. Public service jobs address complex issues and require higher learning. Read these tips...

The Integration of Technology in Government

The Integration of Technology in Government

The ushering in of the information age from the industrial age was supposed to allow an individual to live anywhere and remain a productive member of society.  This meant that someone could, if they found it desirable, live in the forests of the Upper Peninsula of...

Information Governance Insights: WTF (Where’s The File)

Information Governance Insights: WTF (Where’s The File)

In last month's article we started on the first of The Four "Ws" of Information Governance which are: What are your information assets?Where are they located? When can you dispose of them? Who manages them and has access to them? Once you have identified your...


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