Put Your Priorities in the Right Order

Put Your Priorities in the Right Order

People often ask me how my attitude to life has changed on both sides of my cancer ordeal. Sometimes, rather than embark on a detailed explanation, I just tell the following story. U2 embarked on a World tour in 2005 with 3 big dates in their home city, Dublin. I had...

Push Beyond the Comfort Zone

Push Beyond the Comfort Zone

Part of leading yourself is learning when to challenge yourself at strategic moments in your professional life. When I look back at my career, several big professional growth spurts were directly attributable to when I pushed my comfort zone. These were times in which...

The Adaptation of Metrics: From Baseball to the Badge

The Adaptation of Metrics: From Baseball to the Badge

In the Fall of 2003, I happened upon a book about one of my favorite subjects—baseball—and by the time I had completed reading Moneyball, I had found a way to pierce through some of the most daunting challenges facing leaders of organizations:  How to find talented...

Government Security & Information Assurance Training

Government Security & Information Assurance Training

Advanced technology has brought incredible progress to society, but it’s not without its faults. Chief among them is faulty information security, which breeds identity theft, viruses, malware and hacking, to name a few. The biggest defense against these threats is...

KPIs for Life: Understanding Organizational Management

KPIs for Life: Understanding Organizational Management

I am working on a new but familiar project focusing on performance management and key performance indicators (KPIs).  The framework and presentation of a performance management system does not matter I am realizing.  Specifically, the way performance measurement...

George Washington’s Vision For National Banking

George Washington’s Vision For National Banking

It’s February and time to celebrate George Washington’s birthday, February 22, 1732. Washington, the 1st President of the United States, greatly contributed to foundation of the banking and finance industry. Washington said, “A people…who are possessed of the spirit...

Information Governance Insights: The Magic Black Box

Information Governance Insights: The Magic Black Box

We’ve talked a lot about Information Governance and the goal of increasing the productivity of employees, lower costs, increase operational opportunities, and cover downside risk by providing consistency, integrity, security and availability of information throughout...

How Government Can Utilize Niche Social Media

How Government Can Utilize Niche Social Media

If you have been reading GovTalk the last few months, you should have some direction on how to use the three largest social media platforms to your entity’s advantage.  Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are the top tools to coordinate a social media campaign for any...

A Journey to End the Journey

A Journey to End the Journey

In my previous article I described how I often use the analogy of a mountain to help me tackle the challenges of life. But in 2007 I actually moved the mountain from analogy to reality.  By then any remaining doubts that my recovery was not both incredible and...


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