Bilingual, Basic or Fluent: What Are the Differences?

Bilingual, Basic or Fluent: What Are the Differences?

By Jaymie Pompeo, Career Coach Growing up, my entire family instilled the value of a second language. My parents are native speakers and placed heavy emphasis on using Spanish at home while my English developed through the help of Sesame Street and elementary school....

The Courage to Be Curious

The Courage to Be Curious

Leaders being asked to do more with less resources sometimes default to a “just get it done” attitude when tackling daily tasks. As a leadership tool, the willingness to evoke curiosity in these times often falls to the sidelines in one-on-one dialogues and team...

Benefits of Behavioral Logic Trees

Benefits of Behavioral Logic Trees

While reading Phi Kappa Phi’s patterns themed Winter 2015 Forum, I thought about patterns of my own life.  Specifically, I thought about how I develop patterns around my neophobia (neophobia, is the aversion, fear [phobia] of the unfamiliar, new [neo]).  It is...

Do Governments Need Economic Development?

Do Governments Need Economic Development?

There are some who argue government has no business getting involved with economic development.  They believe economic development is not a government function. Conversely, there are others who maintain economic development is the primary function of any American...

5 Reasons Why the Public Sector Needs Marketing

5 Reasons Why the Public Sector Needs Marketing

Marketing  + public sector = success does not seem like a common equation. Marketing  is the actions (sales, public relations, pricing, packaging and distribution) taken to place your product or service with a customer. It is synonymous with the private sector and...

You Have Chosen Your Current Income

You Have Chosen Your Current Income

What if you were told you are earning today exactly the amount you have chosen to earn, no more and no less; that you are where you are financially because you have chosen to be right there. Would you agree with that? Most would adamantly disagree. But the fact...

Women’s Leadership: Challenging Our Social Norms

Women’s Leadership: Challenging Our Social Norms

Women are equally qualified for leadership positions as their male counterparts, however, less of us continue to fill political and corporate leadership positions. Most Americans find women indistinguishable from men on key leadership traits such as the capacity for...

Of Bridges and Connections

Of Bridges and Connections

Life can often be described as a set of imperfect parts that occasionally come together in a perfect opportunity.  In many cases, those opportunities are natural, uninfluenced and easily acted upon for all involved as a way to bring together two or more otherwise...

Information Governance Insights: The Exceptions

Information Governance Insights: The Exceptions

It is a constant in life that, no matter how perfect, there is always an exception to every rule. This is true in your Information Governance program as well.We spent a lot of time last year discussing how to build an effective program that can manage information...


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