Typically, my coaching clients want help with career direction or progression, to get a job, or to improve their current job performance. Usually, they present with self-doubt. Scratching the surface and their challenge is often about being assertive. This post looks at how to be assertive in five different job- and career-related scenarios. Also, we look at the common factors, so you can up your game and increase your chances of success.
4 Tips on Talking about Infotuition Work. …Infotuition?
After interviewing 75 leaders, it’s clear that they rely on intuition for making hard or unclear decisions. All leaders, as part of their jobs, must decide the best course to take when dealing with multiple options and unsure outcomes.
Relationships Matter!
The 4th of July is Independence Day in the United States of America. Having experienced the celebrations first hand on July 4, 2014, in Washington DC, it would be fair to say that it was more than a celebration of Independence. It was also a celebration of culture, of beliefs and of values.
Reflections from the edge of my life, (16 years later)
16 years ago this week I was lying on a bed in the intensive care unit of Liverpool University hospital. My face looked as if somebody had just exploded a bomb in the middle of my head. Against great odds, I was still alive after some of the most complex surgery that is possible.
What You Need to Know About Negotiating Successfully
Research has shown that women do ask for raises as often as men, we are just less likely to get them. So, what are some strategies women can use to get in negotiating and be successful?
Taking on More
For someone still in high school during the Great Recession, I do not have the experience others have with taking on more roles as the number of employees around dwindles.
Information Governance Insights: Frequently Asked Questions
If you’ve been doing this for a while there are certain questions that continue to pop up. Some you will have a standard answer for and some will change over time as technology or best practices evolve.
How to outline a personal development plan with your boss
At some point in your career, you may feel like you’re stuck in a rut, or that you aren’t sure on the direction you’re headed in. If you’re feeling this way, then don’t fear. It may be worth speaking to your employer and working with them to create a personal development plan that works for you.
Programs Cannot Replace Personal Interactions When Fostering Trust and Respect
Loyalty. Duty. Respect. Selfless Service. Honor. Integrity. Personal Courage. The US Army’s values are clearly spelled out, as core values are in all military organizations.