Prevent Your Organization From Succumbing To Red Tape

Prevent Your Organization From Succumbing To Red Tape

One thing most leaders can agree on is that organizations need rules; how else can fairness and consistency be ensured across the organization? But when rules devolve they can inhibit efficiency, effectiveness, sanity, well-being, and more.

Culture Change and Its Quickly Changing Dynamics

Culture Change and Its Quickly Changing Dynamics

One of the most significant characteristics to consider when accepting or rejecting a job offer is the workplace culture. Unlike other characteristics, workplace culture can change quickly whenever there is a change in management personnel.

Career Moves: Where Do You Want to Be?

Career Moves: Where Do You Want to Be?

It’s often tempting in life to do what’s easiest and in front of us rather than stepping back to take a wider and more considered view. Doing something, anything, can feel better than nothing at all. Although tactics may get you somewhere, however, is it where you want to be?

7 Leadership Rules for Gaining More Influence

7 Leadership Rules for Gaining More Influence

It can be lonely at the top. When we are in a position of leadership, we can find it difficult to share our struggles. If we share our challenges with those that report to us, it can seem like a weakness in our leadership ability.

Service and Sacrifice: When Thanks Are Backed By Action

Service and Sacrifice: When Thanks Are Backed By Action

Did you know that anyone who enlists in the US military the first time incurs an eight-year service commitment? A recruit might sign a two- or four-year active duty contract; after their active duty period ends, they engage in active or inactive reserve duty for the remainder of that 8-year commitment, whether having been drafted or having volunteered into service.

I Can’t Believe You Said That! Statements Not to Make to Millennials

I Can’t Believe You Said That! Statements Not to Make to Millennials

I recently had the opportunity to attend a team meeting where the manager was giving feedback to his team of 30 millennials who worked for him in a local catering business. I remember some of my supervisors in the past saying the same type of things to me. His statements brought back a flood of memories and reminded me how ineffective such statements can be.

50 Ways to Love Your Leader

50 Ways to Love Your Leader

Many of us will remember a catchy tune by Paul Simon from the 1970’s called, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. As I listened to it in my car yesterday during my commute, I found myself actively thinking about trying to follow along with the song as I pondered some strong themes in how we can support those who lead us.


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