The world of work is constantly changing. Not least because of the impact of technology, which is constantly progressing and evolving in order to help organizations succeed.
This is no different when it comes to the government. It needs to deliver information and services to people anywhere and anytime, on any device or platform. As such, there’s been a huge focus in improving digital services in order for the government to thrive.
What Happens When Your Soft Skills Kill Your Career?
I spend a lot of time listening to job seekers discuss their skills and accomplishments and expressing their concerns as to how those skills can help or hinder their job search and their careers. Unfortunately, not enough emphasis is put on soft skills, which are the most important ones. Soft skills are the non-measurable, subjective skills that are not specific to one’s role, industry, or their career. They typically speak to how well one interacts with others. They are essentially personality traits that help define one’s character, however, they do offer less proof of their experience.
Leadership: The Sharing of Wisdom
Should you ever visit Australia, a trip to Australia’s island state of Tasmania is a must. On the Tasman Peninsula, near the township of Eaglehawk Nest, is a rare geological formation known as the ‘Tessellated Pavement’. This is a compressed rock formation that over millions of years has been eroded into what seems like tiles that have been laid by the sea. You can read more about this at Tasmania National Parks.
Looking for a Federal Government Job? These 7 Tips Can Help!
The federal government is the country’s largest employer, with more than 2.7 million nonmilitary employees and as many as 90,000 new hires each year. On any given day, the government has as many as 10,000 job openings in areas as diverse as health care, law enforcement, engineering, tech support, and landscaping.
The Secret To Communicating With Millennials
“I think the problem is that these millennials just don’t care,” Sara shared with us candidly in a moment of total frustration.
We both looked at each other and then at her, “Uh…you do realize YOU are a millennial, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she acknowledged, “but I’m a DIFFERENT kind of millennial.”
Of course she is, and so were the people who were frustrating her.
No matter what generation you’re in, we’d bet money you don’t feel like you fit the stereotype.
Enhance Your Meetings by Taking the Emotional Temperature of the Room
Have you ever felt a certain “temperature” in a room when you walk into a meeting? I’m not talking about whether the room is too hot or too cold, but the emotional temperature.
Discover the emotional temperature by making it easy for participants to state their feelings about the topic, process, or outcome. This knowledge gives you a productivity edge. Check out this example. It was a tiring meeting, but we knew it would be. The strategic planning discussion would set the future direction and tone for the organization.
Two Proven Approaches to Catching People Doing Things Right
During a session with a culture change client, the organization’s president had an epiphany: “For 30 years I thought my job was to manage processes and results. This culture change journey has helped me redefine my job – to manage people’s energy.”
Why Your Self-Esteem Is Tied to Your Negotiation Skills
Do you feel extreme discomfort, anxiety, and apprehension whenever you have to reach an agreement with others on contractual terms? You may not realize this, but low self-esteem might be damaging your deal-closing success rate. Your self-esteem is tied to your negotiation skills in a number of essential ways.
Writing a Motivational Letter for a Government Career
You know how to write a resume. But when it comes to a government sector, it’s not enough for paving your way for the dream job. A wisely structured personal statement aka motivational letter is that very detail you need to stand out from the crowd of other candidates.