Why Your Self-Esteem Is Tied to Your Negotiation Skills

Why Your Self-Esteem Is Tied to Your Negotiation Skills

Do you feel extreme discomfort, anxiety, and apprehension whenever you have to reach an agreement with others on contractual terms? You may not realize this, but low self-esteem might be damaging your deal-closing success rate. Your self-esteem is tied to your negotiation skills in a number of essential ways.

Writing a Motivational Letter for a Government Career

Writing a Motivational Letter for a Government Career

You know how to write a resume. But when it comes to a government sector, it’s not enough for paving your way for the dream job. A wisely structured personal statement aka motivational letter is that very detail you need to stand out from the crowd of other candidates.

The Importance of Data Protection in a Government Career

The Importance of Data Protection in a Government Career

World Backup Day is celebrated annually on March 31st. It serves as a reminder to the importance of protecting your data to avoid the risk of losing private and sensitive information. As a government employee, taking precautions to protect both your personal and work-related data is crucial.

Problems to Solve – You Need a Holiday!

Problems to Solve – You Need a Holiday!

Imagine giving such a response to your boss when they offer you a promotion or to take the lead on a strategically significant project for your Government agency. Imagine saying “sure, I’ll get onto that as soon as I’ve had a vacation with my family!” Too often we fear that such a statement will lead to such a career changing offer going towards someone else. We fear that it sends the wrong message! Does it though? The simple answer is that it does not necessarily have to be sending a negative message and creative leaders most likely know this!

Why Is the US So Unhealthy?

Why Is the US So Unhealthy?

Why is the U.S. only the 35th healthiest country in the world? Can our federal and state governments do anything about it?

Building Trust Through Behavioral Integrity

Building Trust Through Behavioral Integrity

Cornell University professor Dr. Tony Simons’ powerful article, “The High Cost of Lost Trust,” appeared in the Harvard Business Review in 2002. In that piece, he described his team’s efforts to examine a specific hypothesis (“Employee commitment drives customer service”) in the US operations of a major hotel chain. They interviewed over 7,000 employees at nearly 80 properties and found that employee commitment drives customer service, but, most critically, a leader’s behavioral integrity drives that and more.

How to Write a Resume (When You Think You Have No Relevant Work Experience)

How to Write a Resume (When You Think You Have No Relevant Work Experience)

If you’re feeling unappreciated and underutilized in your current job, you’re not alone. According to the Conference Board, nearly half of all American workers report some degree of dissatisfaction at work, particularly in the areas of professional development, recognition, and promotion — all good reasons to consider changing employers or even industries.

Fire Up Your Conversations: When to Communicate Electronically or by Voice

Fire Up Your Conversations: When to Communicate Electronically or by Voice

Imagine a fireplace blazing on a cold winter’s day. It could be a gas fireplace, like mine, or a wood fireplace like my friend’s. While both fireplaces warm the room, the experience feels different depending on the fireplace. (Many would say there’s no substitute for a “real” fireplace.)

3 Hiring Trends to Be Aware of During Your Job Search

3 Hiring Trends to Be Aware of During Your Job Search

Employers are always looking for new ways to streamline their hiring process and attract the top talent. For this reason, you need to keep on top of the latest trends during your job search, to ensure you’re ticking all the right boxes and to stand out from the competition.


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