We often hear leaders say that employees are their organization’s most important resource. Unfortunately, too often this is just a slogan.
Crisis Leadership
Perhaps the biggest challenge the Covid-19 Pandemic brings is how to lead in a crisis, in which the ground appears to change by the hour and in some instances by the minute.
How to Make Big Decisions More Effectively
When it’s time to make a big decision, do you ask for advice? Many of us do, and our default behavior is to go to our most trusted friends or colleagues. These are the people you already talk to often, and who know you well. There is a reason you are inclined to talk with them. It is easier and less energy-intensive for your brain and theirs because they are familiar.
Can Medicare for All Work?
Single payer healthcare represents a relatively simple set of processes, at least compared to the very complex U.S. healthcare system
Government Staffing Strategies Determine Crisis Response
The typical response to crises is often described as “managed chaos”. This is particularly true when the onset is sudden, the affect is broad, and the duration lingers.
The City of Champions: The Power of Local Government Branding
When Inglewood dubbed itself “The City of Champions” the proclamation produced enormous civic pride and instilled a great deal of inspiration throughout the community. Few mottos have the power to touch the hearts and souls of those tied to a City as much as one that speaks directly to the human spirit. A human spirit that combines character with grit and determination to succeed at a championship level, regardless of the endeavor.
Effective Strategies to Reduce Costs and Utilization in US Healthcare
Our healthcare costs keep increasing much faster than inflation, year after year. According to figures released in December 2019 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the annual growth rate of healthcare spending was 4.6% in 2018, vs. 3.9% in 2017, 4.8% for 2016 and 5.8% for 2015. We spent $3.6 trillion in this area, or 17.8% of GDP.
Servant Leadership: Values are as Important as Results
Our world desperately needs servant leaders – in our organizations, in our neighborhoods, in our political system, in our court system – basically, everywhere. Servant leaders create environments where values – how people treat each other – are as important as results.
Who is the Person Who Really Gets Things Done in Your Office? Get to Know Them!
In nearly every office, there is a well-connected person who carries a unique power. They may not have the formal title or be considered part of the executive team, but they know the secrets, the personalities and the resources that give them an uncanny ability to get things done.