Is 2021 the Year for Pay Equity?

Is 2021 the Year for Pay Equity?

Many public employers continue to rely on pay programs adopted decades ago, a time when women and minorities were rarely involved or considered in the decisions.

Prevent the Sabotage of Tack Attacks

Prevent the Sabotage of Tack Attacks

I don’t think I can solve the bicycle race “tack attacks” issue in this post, so let’s look at “tack attacks” in your workplace.

12 Golden Rules for Building a Feedback-Rich Culture

12 Golden Rules for Building a Feedback-Rich Culture

We know feedback within a company is important. But how much do you know about building a feedback-rich culture? How can your company put practical, helpful measures in place to ensure feedback is delivered continually, and that it is well-received?

Two Unexpected Ways to Earn the Attention of Your Distracted Team

Two Unexpected Ways to Earn the Attention of Your Distracted Team

Teammates get distracted constantly by the barrage of noise around them – and that means they do not pay as much attention to YOUR emails, conversations, texts, or smoke signals. So, if you want to get and keep their attention you NEED to take note of these 2 unexpected suggestions to improve your impact.



In the majority of the personal development material I’ve studied, the emphasis on clarity comes back again and again.


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