Good Listeners don’t’ hijack conversations! Instead, they ask second and third questions.
The Role of Social Media in Local Government Engagement
Local governments rely on social media as a communication channel more than ever as more people use it regularly.
The Turnaround Leader
It might seem simple but impactful turnaround leadership can often begin with a simple idea. You get back as much as you give!
Stay Interviews Are a Powerful Tool to Reduce Turnover and Increase Trust
When managers conduct a one-on-one with their employees, they should incorporate stay interview questions into that process.
Your Leadership Legacy: What Will They Say?
A leader who builds a culture of compassions allows everyone to leave the conversation with their dignity, integrity, and wellbeing intact.
How can your company create a more inclusive culture?
Creating an inclusive company culture has to start with the people who keep it running on a daily basis – the employees.
What 5 Things You Must Remember While Applying for Government Jobs?
Even though applying for any type of job is similar, the government ones require a few additional pieces of information.
How ROTC Prepares and Provides More Government Career Opportunities
ROTC graduates naturally find themselves well-positioned to take on certain jobs at the State or even federal level.
How to Communicate in the Workspace During a Conflict
Job requirements will vary but one requirement that you will often see is the requirement to have communication skills.