Trust, Leap, and Learn

Author and Certified Leadership Coach Andrea Mein DeWitt inspires leaders to step into their power, their potential, and their truth. Her book, Name, Claim & Reframe-Your Path to a Well-Lived Life, was selected as the Best Motivational Read for 2023 by the TODAY Show. A practical approach to navigating life’s challenges, her new companion guide, Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook, can help you take your next leap toward the future you want to create.

“Leap and the net will appear.” is a Zen mantra and a reminder that the simple act of leaping can be the antidote to the hiding or delaying behavior many of us default to when we feel stuck and ignore our “calls of the heart”.  Every success story starts when our hero (You) listens to their gut and takes one courageous first step forward. Leaping in pursuit of a goal unleashes joy, expansive energy, and a sense of meaning. It reframes your mindset from: “I want to be someone who…” to This is who I am!”

If you want to create momentum in your life, you must be willing to leap, trusting that everything you need is already inside you. Your brave leap also signals the universe that you are open to circumstance and opportunity. While you can certainly be inspired by someone else’s trajectory, don’t think that your beginning, middle, or end will be the same as theirs because your hero’s story has yet to be written. 

Five Ways to Reframe your mindset to make the leap:

Name Your Intentions

Admit aloud to another human your plan to leap and the intentional learning goal you have in mind. Speaking your truth and allowing another to witness it makes it real. When we invite others to support us in service of a dream, we begin to reframe our mindset from fear-based to the curious and expansive mindset of an explorer. 

Claim Your Learning

When you approach your leap with a curious mind and an intent to learn there can be no failure. You leap with the goal to claim learning, gaining new perspectives about what is working and what needs to be modified going forward. Think of each query, conversation, or experience as an opportunity to experiment and boldly step out of your comfort zone. 

  • “Who do I know who can introduce me to people of influence?”
  • “What industry gatherings might help me gain new perspectives? 
  • “How can I use what I am learning to leverage my unique skills?
  • “Is this idea/approach resonating with the people I hope to attract?” 
  • “What is my target audience for my new product?” 

We resist initially putting our energy out there because it’s scary and makes us feel uncomfortable, especially when we feel unpracticed, vulnerable, and risk averse. Yet, there is tremendous growth and insight when we approach a leap to simply claim learning, both psychologically and tactically. We avoid costly mistakes, learn what works, and experience the joy of playing in a bigger arena. 

If you want to create momentum in your life, you must be willing to leap, trusting that everything you need is already inside you.


Leap Now

Don’t wait to fully master all the skills you “think” you need, save the money, or hope that the circumstances will be perfect because they never will. This is why your first leap is so courageous. Life is about deciding to leap and trusting that the net WILL appear, one opportunity at a time. When you bet on yourself you honor the vision you hold of what could be. Once you make the decision, take just one small step forward, you’ll be amazed at how the universe conspires to open doors and present opportunities you may not have “received” had you not created a tiny bit of momentum in the right direction. 

Embrace the Mess

Don’t let the need for perfection hinder you from trying something (anything, really) that will give you a taste for what your desired outcome might look and feel like. Trial and error are how we learn, and the imperfections of a leap often yield unexpected outcomes, connections, and opportunities. When we’re willing to put our imperfect, but authentic selves out in the world, we force ourselves to realize the only thing holding us back is our fear — which we can easily overcome in service of our destiny. 

Trust the Grit

Grit is the glue of all intentions, goals, and dreams, so trust the ups and downs of the leap you are making. There will be obstructed views and unexpected plot twists and you are not going to know all the answers.  Lean into curiosity by opening your heart to learning and the miracles that happen when you have the stamina to push through the muck of the unknown. When you have faith in yourself and your pursuits, you will attract the information, the people, and the situations that will propel you forward. Believe that the universe presents opportunities and uncomfortable situations to prepare for the next version of your magnificence.

Let’s Plan Your Leap!

  1. What is one action step you will take now (immediately) in serve of your goal or dream? 
  2. Who in your posse can support you by witnessing your commitment to getting started today?

A courageous decision to leap now can genuinely change how you see yourself. Instead of looking off to the distant future, you have begun living your dream today; “This is who I am!”

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