Some employees at the DMV don’t seem to be very happy.
Some time ago, I had to make a few visits to the Department of Motor Vehicles in our county. Now before you make assumptions, my overall experience was not that bad and our departments tried to keep things moving. But even so, I noticed that employees aren’t exactly acting thrilled to be there. One had an “employee of the month” sign on her workspace. I asked her about it, and while it warmed up our interaction, it only revealed that it wasn’t that special of a distinction. Working at the DMV isn’t easy. Most customers don’t want to be there–it’s a bother. So employees are dealing with unhappy or confused people much of the day, helping them work through paperwork and regulations, and attempts to boost employee morale evidently don’t always succeed. Can you relate? Maybe your job isn’t all that enjoyable either (that wouldn’t be surprising given the state of our working world.) But YOU can do a few things to bring some joy into even the most unfulfilling day.

Here are some suggestions:
Start the day with a brief moment of inspiration at your workspace Look at a motivational quote or lovely photo; read a snippet from an inspiring book.
Tangibly bless a coworker What act of kindness can you demonstrate today? Maybe you can treat someone to coffee. Help them with a project. Do something behind the scenes to make their day easier.
Start a gratefulness list–specifically about your job. You may find this challenging, but add one item a day to this list and make it be job-related. Maybe you like your co-workers. Maybe your boss gives you some flexibility. Perhaps it’s the best-paying job you’ve ever had. Dwell on the positives.
Take a moment to stretch and breathe deeply Movement can energize and concentrated breathing can calm you down.
Organize or decorate a very small part of your work space Purge a file or two, straighten a drawer, or do a little dusting. Add some fresh flowers or update the framed photo of your loved ones. Look at my “Creative Workspaces” board for inspiration.
Take a reasonable break Don’t work through your entire lunch. Take a moment outside and try to notice something about the building or landscaping you’ve never seen before. Tell someone you appreciate them. Make a point to thank a colleague today. Be as specific as possible. Don’t just say, “Thanks for all you do,” but instead say, “I admire how you handled that frustrated client.” Imagine what it would be like to go to the DMV and be greeted by a warm, genuine person who is eager to serve and grateful for the work? Be that person. Decide today to be thankful and kind (to yourself as well as others), and you might just start enjoying your job even more.
Tell someone you appreciate them Make a point to thank a colleague today. Be as specific as possible. Don’t just say, “Thanks for all you do,” but instead say, “I admire how you handled that frustrated client.” Imagine what it would be like to go to the DMV and be greeted by a warm, genuine person who is eager to serve and grateful for the work? Be that person. Decide today to be thankful and kind (to yourself as well as others), and you might just start enjoying your job even more.