Understanding Your Brain Results in Better Collaboration

Understanding Your Brain Results in Better Collaboration

It happened again…my dog hunted and “captured” a rabbit in our backyard! I have a Basenji, which is a breed from Africa who has hunting instincts, especially rodents. Those hunting instincts are strong and she just can’t help herself. Just as animals have those...

Police Officers Need a Second Career Plan

Police Officers Need a Second Career Plan

There’s life after police work. A lot of my friends went on to second careers when their police careers ended. Some stayed in the investigations field and became private investigators or security specialists. Others wanted to try something completely different and...

7 Education Tips for Public Sector Careers

7 Education Tips for Public Sector Careers

When Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” he could have been referring to the career path of a public sector worker. Public service jobs address complex issues and require higher learning. Read these tips...

We Are the World

We Are the World

When I was asked to submit a piece for this month, I wasn’t quite sure what it was going to be. But by the time I managed to sit down to begin there appeared to be only one topic I could write about. Sometimes a single image can capture the attention of the entire...

How To Be A Career Time Traveler

How To Be A Career Time Traveler

You might be asked to articulate your career journey when seeking a new job or you may be exploring a new direction. It can be difficult picking out the significant and relevant moments, whether you have been employed in many jobs or only a few. You may feel positive...

Military Educational Funding and How to Find It

Military Educational Funding and How to Find It

Are you in the military or about to leave it?  Have you given any thought to your educational opportunities?  It’s all about funding, isn’t it?  No matter if you’re active duty, a reservist, or a discharged or retired veteran, funding an education can be the roughest...

How to Become a Homicide Detective

How to Become a Homicide Detective

Cops—even homicide detectives—sometimes get a bad rap. They can be accused of abuse of power, corruption, false witness, violence, racism, you name it. Never has this been brought into clearer focus than on the one-year anniversary of the protests that erupted in...

Introverts and Extroverts In Government Collaborate For Results

Introverts and Extroverts In Government Collaborate For Results

John, an introvert, and Quinn, an extrovert, were training managers at a regional government agency. The employees in their office needed help with creating viable learning plans. Unfortunately, John and Quinn were overwhelmed with requests for coaching and needed to...

Public Sector Leadership and Coaching Basketball

Public Sector Leadership and Coaching Basketball

If you’ve read any of my blog entries for The Persimmon Group (TPG), you know that I’m a hardcore Dallas Mavericks fan, a true blue MFFL (Mavs Fan For Life).  Tulsa is my adopted home, though, and much of my work at TPG is in Oklahoma City, so I throw some of my...


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