A New Motto and an Old Feeling for a New Year

A New Motto and an Old Feeling for a New Year

Give, and it will be given to you. Every month I sit down and write about something I learned in the past month. The last month, and therefore the inspiration for the motto, we celebrated a special season. Not to relive the month of December, but when I consider the...

Tips for Careers in Government for Law Graduates

Tips for Careers in Government for Law Graduates

One of the biggest decisions one will make in life is choosing a field of education and where to pursue that career in.  For Law students, the most common path is to get an internship at a reputable law firm and follow through that direction once they graduate law and...

20 Ways to Create a Powerful Personal Brand

20 Ways to Create a Powerful Personal Brand

Ever since we started making the transition from the Industrial Age to the Social Age, people have been talking about personal branding. And for good reason: how you show up – online and offline – is a critical factor in today’s job search. But for some, especially...

Why You Must Delay Gratification to Be Successful

Why You Must Delay Gratification to Be Successful

In the book, Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill states, “Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it.” Would you not agree? But Hill...

Take a Walk down the Street with Me

Take a Walk down the Street with Me

Of the many paths I have had the privilege to walk upon in cities and towns across more than forty states, the most impressive seem to have been the simple and yet symmetrically-beautiful sidewalks created 80, 90 or a hundred years ago or more.  Even in these simple...

My 6 Pillars of Resolve

My 6 Pillars of Resolve

I attended a cancer conference recently and some of the medics said to me “I wish some of my patients were like you”. It didn’t register with me initially but later I realized that perhaps I had the ability to go places they couldn’t reach. A regular stumbling block...

Time Management Obstacles: 3 Ways to Design a Better Day

Time Management Obstacles: 3 Ways to Design a Better Day

Picture your evening after a long day of working or job searching. Do you transition from career mode to a state of relaxation, enjoying lingering time with your loved ones, and taking a few moments to prepare for the next day? Or do you collapse in exhaustion,...

Build a Great Personal Brand Through Social Proof

Build a Great Personal Brand Through Social Proof

You’ve heard the saying “guilt by association”– where the reputation you’ve earned, right or wrong, is tied to the behavior of a wrong-doer. No, there is no evidence of your wrong-doing. But you are considered guilty simply by hanging around them. In the Social Age,...

I Want To “Check the Box” That Says “Bob Is Now a Swimmer”

I Want To “Check the Box” That Says “Bob Is Now a Swimmer”

Question One:  If I did not know how to swim and I wanted to become a swimmer, is there a book you could recommend that if I just read it cover to cover (or at least skimmed it) I could then “Check the Box” that says “Bob is now a swimmer!”? Or Question Two:  Might...


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