But I always like to keep my hand in on a few smaller projects at all times too. They keep me grounded. They bring me out to real people, living real lives, with real housing issues. No matter how small their individual project may be on the global scale, for them, it is the biggest project in the world.
The Constitution of Leadership
“Leadership is a word on everyone’s list said Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus….The young attack it and the old grow wistful for it. Parents have lost it and Police seek it.
Potential Unused Success
I recently was looking at the definitions of the word, “potential”, and I came across a very interesting definition. The word potential in one definition means, “Unused Success.”
Executive Presence: Why It’s an Essential Leadership Quality (and How to Develop It)
Imagine walking into a meeting where you’re going to deliver some tough news to your team. You expect pushback. You know you’ll have to come up with good answers to potentially tricky questions. You’re not exactly looking forward to it.
Servant Leadership For The Win
If leaders are able to reframe their role and responsibility as that of servant leaders, productivity will grow and engagement will grow.
Independence or Interdependence: Change and Career Success
A friend has reminded me that “in 1776, most of the 55 members of the Continental Congress signed the parchment copy of the Declaration of Independence.”
Defining the Path Through Values Alignment
If someone stopped by and asked your team today what your performance expectations are for this year, could they give a prompt, specific answer? Could they do the same for values expectations – how they’re supposed to treat each other?
Relationships Matter!
The 4th of July is Independence Day in the United States of America. Having experienced the celebrations first hand on July 4, 2014, in Washington DC, it would be fair to say that it was more than a celebration of Independence. It was also a celebration of culture, of beliefs and of values.
Reflections from the edge of my life, (16 years later)
16 years ago this week I was lying on a bed in the intensive care unit of Liverpool University hospital. My face looked as if somebody had just exploded a bomb in the middle of my head. Against great odds, I was still alive after some of the most complex surgery that is possible.