3 Excuses Good Managers Use to Avoid Giving Feedback

3 Excuses Good Managers Use to Avoid Giving Feedback

Managers avoiding feedback are like fish that avoid water. One of a manager’s main roles at a company is to provide employees with both negative and positive feedback when appropriate. Yet so many managers avoid giving feedback and will go to great lengths to avoid telling their employees how they are doing.

Does Emotional Reasoning Get in the Way of Your Career?

Does Emotional Reasoning Get in the Way of Your Career?

We all face that conundrum on occasions whether to listen to our head or to our heart when making decisions. Some of us lead with our heart and forget or ignore our head. Others start with their head and then pull on the heartstrings. Both are troublesome. So, what should you watch out for when making job and career decisions?

Six Reasons Why Your Project Manager is Frustrated

Six Reasons Why Your Project Manager is Frustrated

Your project’s off schedule and you’re frustrated. You’ve applied more heat to your Project Manager, but nothing has gotten any better. You’re scratching your head because normally this guy’s solid. If your project’s off course, despite your project manager’s best efforts, take a deeper look to see if in any of these factors are at play.

Internal Internships: A Winning Practice

Internal Internships: A Winning Practice

If you’ve ever been part of a great internship program–on either side of the desk– you know that it can be a fantastic job preview–an extensive 2-way interview process. It’s an opportunity to try before you buy.

Recognition is the Best Way to Improve Employee Morale

Recognition is the Best Way to Improve Employee Morale

More than ever before, organizations rely on their employees’ involvement, enthusiasm and commitment to be successful. The best customer service can only be achieved when employees bring their best selves to work each and every day. But how can leaders in an organization ensure that each employee does this?

Are Trading Posts the Future of Local Government?

Are Trading Posts the Future of Local Government?

It is an all-too-familiar fact that professional athletes can and do become part of trades between teams seeking to improve. Typically focusing upon acquiring someone who offers a set of skills that will enhance the current team, these trades also can be seen also offer the opportunity to help on organization.

My 5 Pillars of Resolve

My 5 Pillars of Resolve

Many people have asked me what goes through your head in the middle of an extreme cancer battle. Where did I find the resolve to keep going when everything looked so dark? And did I take anything from the experience that I still apply in my life today?

3 Billionaire Traits Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg and Blakely Have in Common with a Postage Stamp

3 Billionaire Traits Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg and Blakely Have in Common with a Postage Stamp

What do Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Sara Blakely all have in common? Well, apart from being an exclusive card-carrying member of the Billionaire Boys and Girls Club, all four remarkably share the same three traits of a postage stamp. Let me explain. I recently wrote a book titled, How a Postage Stamp Saved My Life: 21 Powerful Tips to Defeat Depression, Skyrocket Your Self-Confidence & Achieve Your Goals.

Public Sector vs. Private Sector

Public Sector vs. Private Sector

After working in the private sector for over 25 years, I took up a senior position in the public sector last year, so I guess this article was always going to be written.
My assessment of both systems.


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