Gauging Your Organization’s Cultural Health

Gauging Your Organization’s Cultural Health

If you have never experienced successful culture change personally, as a team member in general or as a leader, you may not be prepared or know how to proactively manage your team’s culture. The culture of your team (or department or division or plant or region or whole company) is the engine that drives your team’s success – or its lack of success.

It’s About Time!

It’s About Time!

The first thing to consider is a change in mindset. Very little will change, if the mindset that has been driving the imbalance remains unchallenged.

How Modern Companies Accommodate Flexibility

How Modern Companies Accommodate Flexibility

In 2018, flexibility is king. If you want to attract and retain millennials (not to mention Gen Zers), companies need to readdress their office processes and performance management systems.

The Rolodex of Experience

The Rolodex of Experience

“Every time we are asked to help, we need to flip through the rolodex of our experiences to get to an idea of what we can offer…”

The Little Jobs Can Bring the Biggest Rewards

The Little Jobs Can Bring the Biggest Rewards

But I always like to keep my hand in on a few smaller projects at all times too. They keep me grounded. They bring me out to real people, living real lives, with real housing issues. No matter how small their individual project may be on the global scale, for them, it is the biggest project in the world.

The Constitution of Leadership

The Constitution of Leadership

“Leadership is a word on everyone’s list said Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus….The young attack it and the old grow wistful for it. Parents have lost it and Police seek it.

Potential Unused Success

Potential Unused Success

I recently was looking at the definitions of the word, “potential”, and I came across a very interesting definition. The word potential in one definition means, “Unused Success.”


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