Must-See Management Talks All Business Leaders Should Watch on YouTube

Stuart is a performance management specialist with 20 years experience in human resources, both as an HR Director and HR/OD Consultant. He has spent the last 10 years working with organisations to improve their performance management processes and implement online systems.

Managers and leaders are knowledge-thirsty by nature, constantly looking for ways to improve upon their existing skill-set. On top of this, they are looking for techniques to motivate and inspire their workforce. Though most successful people tend to spend a lot of their time reading, we’re lucky enough to live in an environment where we can digest information in a variety of different ways.

If you’re constantly strapped for time, rest assured that there are still ways to make room for self-improvement. The videos below are easily accessible online, they are free, and they are short enough to enjoy over lunch or on your morning commute. The internet is such a great resource, full of inspirational content that can help you take your management game to the next level. As a performance management specialist, below are a few of my favorites.

4 Tips For Achieving Work-Life Balance by TIME

Work-life balance continues to be a struggle for many organizations around the world. Increasingly, employees seek career opportunities with a high degree of flexibility and, in fact, it has become a top perk among talented Millennials. Not only is it a great recruitment and retention tool, but flexibility and work-life balance also keep employees happy and healthy. It encourages loyalty and decreases levels of absenteeism. This is exactly what the video 4 Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance addresses.

The video focuses primarily on employees with family commitments, who require added autonomy and flexibility to be truly productive. Managers must become more aware of this growing need for flexibility, and they also need to feel free to embrace work-life balance themselves. Doing so will help to create a culture of flexibility and personal responsibility within an organization.

What it takes to be a great leader by Roselinde Torres

Roselinde gave up her job and spent a year of her life traveling the world while exploring what makes a great leader in 21st century. This short video will get managers out there, questioning the way they operate and motivate others. In the video, Roselinde poses three core questions all leaders should ask themselves, prompting some valuable introspection. The video also centers on the importance of diversity in the workplace, given that surrounding yourself with people who think differently helps you become a more well-rounded leader.

Roselinde encourages leaders to have the courage to change the status quo (including shaking up existing processes and performance management cycles). Getting stuck in the familiar and comfortable while surrounding yourself with ‘yes’ men is a recipe for disaster for modern leaders, which is something that is elaborated on in What it takes to be a great leader.

If you’re constantly strapped for time, rest assured that there are still ways to make room for self-improvement.


Funny Business Video – Stuff Managers Say (Business Jargon) by The Embodiment Channel

Stuff Managers Say is a funny, lighthearted video that pokes fun at overused terms and words used within the office. Some the words used in the video have been uttered so frequently they cease to have any meaning. As entertaining as the video is, business is serious. Time is money and we want to communicate clearly and effectively. Eliminating HR and management buzzwords and opting for more everyday terminology can have a serious impact on the effectiveness of a business. This video is a must-watch for all managers and it might just prove to be a wake-up call to the overused jargon you’re guilty of using.

Creative Ways to Motivate Employees — Without Money by Marie Forleo

Motivation is a huge issue for managers across all industries. We need to know how to inspire our workforce and encourage them to put in extra effort. Contrary to popular belief, the most effective means of motivating employees don’t involve money or lavish bonuses. This is something Marie Forleo covers in 5 Creative Ways to Motivate Employees.

Marie Forleo produces a quirky channel that addresses a range of business issues. She was also named as a thought leader for the next generation. With this video, Marie goes into employee motivation in a time of low engagement and high turnover. Specifically, Marie discusses flexibility, time off, giving employees access to the best software and technology, providing a challenge and, importantly, employee recognition.

The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor

Have you noticed a dip in morale in your business? If so, it’s time to start addressing the issue now, and the video The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor can help you get the problem into perspective. Your employees are the most important element of your company, so you need to respect them and their needs. In this video, Shawn covers the fact that happy employees are 31% more productive, and content employees experience the “happiness advantage”, meaning their intelligence rises, as does their creativity, and their energy. This short TED Talk can make all the difference between a thriving business and a company that is on its way out.


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